Juvenile Sexual Assault on a Child Lawyer at the Weld County Court

Juvenile Sex Crimes Attorney in Greeley, Colorado

Sexual Assault on a Child is not an uncommon charge for juveniles in Greeley and throughout Weld County, Colorado.  Like Juvenile Sexual Exploitation of a Child, juveniles often find themselves arrested for this offense.  Hormonal changes, exposure to pornography and normal curiosity can often lead teens to have sexual contact with other kids.  Teenagers are uneducated on the high cost of this crime to its victims.  Fortunately, depending on the ages of a child victim and the offending juvenile, this crime can be resolved with education and counseling.  If the juvenile is adjudicated as a delinquent, they may then be required to register as a juvenile sex offender and engage in a variety of rehabilitative courses, including treatment.  In the worst case scenario, the juvenile’s case could even be directly filed at the Weld County District Court, and they could be tried as an adult.

If your child has been charged with Sexual Assault on a Child, it is critical that you contact a top criminal defense lawyer with decades of experience representing juveniles charged with sexual offenses.  Never let your child answer questions for the Greeley Police.  Your child’s future is at stake, and it is critical that he or she gets the legal help they need as soon as possible.

Definition of Sexual Assault on a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-405 in Weld County

Legal Help for Teenagers

In Weld County, Sexual Assault on a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-405, is defined as follows:

Any actor who knowingly subjects another not his or her spouse to any sexual contact commits sexual assault on a child if the victim is less than fifteen years of age and the actor is at least four years older than the victim.

A juvenile may be charged with Sexual Assault on a Child if they:

  • Engage in sexual contact – i.e., touching – with a child, and
  • The child is less than 15 years old and is at least 4 years younger than the accused juvehile / defendant.

These elements are important because a juvenile who sexually contacts another under the age of 18 may not necessarily be charged with Sexual Assault on a Child.  It depends on the act, whether consent exists and the ages of the alleged victim and the accused.  A 17-year-old who engages in nonconsensual sexual contact with a 15, 16 or 17-year-old would still be charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404.  Forced or nonconsensual sexual penetration or intrusion by a 17-year-old against another, regardless of their age, would be charged as Sexual Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-402.

Do Not Talk to the Greeley Police

Remain Silent for Charges in the Weld County Court

If your child has been charged with Sexual Assault on a Child, it is crucial that your child exercise their Fifth Amendment right and not talk to Greeley Police.  There are limited restrictions on whether law enforcement can lawfully lie to your child, so understand that they are not your child’s friend. They don’t offer legal advice to help your child, but instead will be trying to build a case for the prosecution.  Police are looking to gather evidence against kids to use for a conviction at the Weld County Court – not help them prove their innocence.  Only a top criminal defense lawyer who works with juveniles can help you and your child protect their future.

How are Juveniles Penalized for Sexual Assault on a Child at the Weld County Court?

Though Sexual Assault on a Child can be eligible for transfer or direct filing at the Weld County Court, it is rare that these cases ever leave the Juvenile Courts.  If your child was charged with Sexual Assault on a Child, this is good news.  Penalties are far less severe for a juvenile when they are not tried as an adult in the District Court.  The general rule is that children are growing and learning at their young ages, and that rehabilitation can best be achieved with education and counseling.

Consequences will not always end up devastating your child’s future if the case is carefully managed by a juvenile defense attorney.  Yet some tough consequences will occur if your child is adjudicated in court.  Your child could face penalties such as:

What Happens When a Juvenile Case is Directly Filed in Greeley?

Though rare, a juvenile’s Sexual Assault on a Child charges in Greeley may be transferred to or directly filed at the District Court.  This means that your child will be tried as an adult, and could face the same sentence that an adult defendant would.  This is more likely with multiple victim cases, when violence is involved, when a weapon was used, when more than one person participated in the sexual assault. Penalties for this crime can include:

The good news is that if your child’s case is directly filed, an experienced lawyer can write and file a Motion to Transfer, then advocate for the case to be remanded back to the Juvenile Court.

Why Your Child Needs the Best Weld County Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer

If your child has been charged with Sexual Assault on a Child, you need to act quickly to hire the best Juvenile criminal defense lawyer to represent them at the Weld County Court.  Even if your child is tried in a Juvenile Court, they will still face the possibility of severe consequences if they are adjudicated.  The District Attorney and judge will not take pity just because your child is still legally a minor.  A top juvenile criminal defense lawyer can represent your child and help the Court to see that they are someone who needs help and education – not a predator lockup.

Your child’s best chance for a healthy future comes with the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney who works with juveniles.  We have the compassion and expertise to take on your case.  Don’t wait, hire a top juvenile lawyer to protect your child’s future today.

Has your child been charged with Sexual Assault on a Child?  Help them be smart and exercise their right to remain silent.  Then call 970-616-6009 to discuss your child’s case with a top juvenile crimes attorney today.  Together, we can protect your child’s future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

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