4 Ways to be Successful on Probation in Greeley, Colorado  
Top Probation Lawyers Discuss Weld County Probation

Questions about Probation requirements? Call our skilled Probation lawyers from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009.

In Greeley and Weld County, Probation starts after sentencing and is controlled by the  terms and conditions of Probation.  This is one of the options of a judge at sentencing, instead of a jail or prison sentence. The top Probation lawyers at the O’Malley Law Office will discuss these Four Things for a Successful Probation Sentence, in this blog:

  1. What is Probation in Weld County?
  2. What are Common Terms and Conditions of Probation is Greeley, Colorado?
  3. What Happens When Probation is Violated in Colorado?
  4. What is the Difference Between Probation and Parole in Greeley, Colorado, Courts?

Probation and Probation Violations are common parts of criminal cases for the lawyers at the O’Malley Law Office. Probation is normally seen as a defense “win,” however the terms and conditions are not always easy.  When a person violates Probation terms and conditions, they will find themselves facing Probation Violations. In either case, having Probation lawyers who have decades of experience fighting for defendants, is a really good thing. Read below for more Probation information. If you are facing Probation problems or Probation Violations in Fort Collins, you can find help here.

# 1. What is Probation in Weld County?

Probation is a sentence alternative for a Weld County judge, instead of jail or prison. Weld County judges place terms and conditions on a person’s probation, which is usually supervised by the Weld County Probation Department. Probation allows for a criminal defendant to maintain some aspects of their normal life such as work, schooling, and connection with family. The conditions and terms of Probation depend on the specific charge and vary by case, and are designed to assist with rehabilitation and community safety.

#2. What are Common Terms and Conditions of Probation in Greeley, Colorado Courts?

Some common terms and condition of Probation in Greeley are:

  • Reporting to your assigned Probation Officer (PO) on schedule
  • Community service
  • Random drug testing
  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs
  • Treatment programs (alcohol, drugs, mental health, sex offenders or anger management)
  • Electric monitoring, such as blood alcohol testing
  • No more criminal activity
  • Maintaining employment
  • No firearms in your possession

These terms are dictated by the specifics of your case and the judge.  If they are violated, a defendant may be arrested, and sent back to court for a hearing on whether the terms were willingly violated.  If the violations were intentional, then the defendant could be returned to custody to serve out their original sentence, or be regranted probation.

#3. In Weld County What Happens When Probation is Violated?

When the terms and conditions of Probation are violated in Weld County, then a no bond arrest warrant will be issued, and an arrest made. A Petition to Revoke or a Complaint to Revoke Probation will be alleged, followed by a hearing.  At this hearing, the defendant can argue against having their Probation revoked. If the violation is proven and it was minimal, the judge may consider giving the defendant a second chance and reinstating the person on Probation. However, the judge can also decide to send the defendant to the Weld County Jail or prison. This is when having skilled Probation lawyers fighting for the best outcome in your case is vital.

#4. What is the Difference Between Probation and Parole in Greeley, Colorado?

In Greeley, Probation and Parole are often used interchangeably; however they are two very different types of supervised release. Both Probation and Parole have similar terms such as supervision, treatment and check-ins, yet they are granted for different reasons. Probation is granted instead of jail or prison time, and parole is granted after time is served in prison.  If either is violated, then a return to jail or prison often occurs.  The basic idea is to let someone get mentoring in how to live a lawful and productive life outside of confinement.  Some people are willing to submit to this mentoring and obey the rules, but many are not.  When the danger to our community remains or increases, confinement is the preferred alternative.  There, many undisciplined people develop the internal resolve to be successful and submit to supervision of their lives.

If you or someone you love has questions about Probation requirements or has been accused of violating Probation in Greeley or Weld County, be smart, and contact our skilled defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels