A Domestic Violence Reoffender Posts Pictures of His Girlfriend’s Dead Body | Weld County Lawyer

A domestic violence reoffender posts pictures of his dead girlfriend's body online. Read more in our blog.

Recently, a man was arrested for allegedly killing his girlfriend and posting pictures of her body online. He detailed how he strangled her and his plan to get the police to shoot him and have a ‘suicide by cop.’ Now charged with second degree murder, the news media as well as the public are looking into his past and wondering: is there something that could have been done? Especially since he had a history of domestic violence.

Reoffenders: The Ultimate Fear in Weld County

This is the worst fear for judges and prosecutors: they give a person a chance, and that person lets them down and someone ends up seriously hurt or worse. Weld County Judges and District Attorneys choose to let a person stay in the community with a lesser punishment and the person becomes a reoffender. They feel pressured to protect the People of Colorado and the news media and public look to them for answers, or blame, when something like this happens.

The Worst Case Scenario Can Hurt You in Greeley

Not only did this man reoffend, it was a worse offense than before. Because of these rare occasions, judges and district attorneys are geared toward self – preservation in Greeley, Windsor and Johnstown. When they see someone standing in front of them, they think worse case scenario. The what-ifs take over and sometimes you end up be grouped with and punished for someone else’s bad choices.

These infrequent instances where someone commits a worse crime, drives Colorado lawmakers to create harsher punishments for first time offenders. For example, anyone who pleads guilty to or is convicted of a domestic violence offense must complete domestic violence treatment. Not everyone involved in a domestic violence situation is a violent offender, but now they are treated as one.

Not everyone involved in a domestic violence situation is a violent offender, but now they are treated as one. 

 Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Domestic Violence Charges

You need a lawyer who can speak for your character. Someone who knows you and can reassure the Weld, Morgan and Logan County courts you are not a risk to public safety. At the O’Malley Law Office, we fight against the government’s tendency to over-generalize our clients, and remind them good people make mistakes and should be given second chances. In other cases, we establish that you have done nothing illegal and the charges should be dismissed.

If you face accusations of Domestic Violence (C.R.S. 18-6-801), be smart and exercise your right to remain silent. Then, call the experienced defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: Pixabay – Pixies