Domestic Violence Charges Lawyer in Greeley, Colorado
Harassment and Assault as an Act of Domestic Violence

Harassment is often charged as an act of Domestic Violence. Read more about how easily one can be charged with this crime.

Domestic Violence Assault Charges in Greeley

Assault in the Third Degree as an act of Domestic Violence is one of the two most common charges given by Greeley Police officers and Weld County Sheriffs.  It is a wild card crime, where cops turn when someone says they felt pain, as a result of contact from another person.  Assault occurs with bodily injury from unwelcome physical contact, and this injury = pain.  The Domestic Violence label is usually added when a prior intimate relationship exists.

Domestic Violence Harassment Charges in Weld County

The second most popular Weld County Domestic Violence crime is Harassment. It is charged when Police or Sheriff Deputies hear allegations of someone being pushed, slapped or hit – without the bodily injury and pain necessary for the crime to elevate to Assault in the 3rd Degree.  Criminal defense lawyers prefer this crime over Assault because it is less serious and less time in the Weld County Jail is possible.

The Difference Domestic Violence Makes to Criminal Charges in Greeley

Domestic Violence is not a crime in itself, but is a label attached to any crime.  Police often miss the point of this label and charge it whenever a prior intimate relationship exists.  The label can be harmful, because it prevents the possession of a gun or firearm forever.  Many criminal defense attorneys do not know that some crimes with the Domestic Violence label can be pled to, and the defendant will still be able to possess a gun for hunting or personal protection.  It comes down to the federal definition of the violent act vs. the State of Colorado label.  Be careful and protect your 2nd Amendment Rights by calling our very experienced attorneys.

Advice from a Weld County Domestic Violence Attorney

Many cases involving Domestic Violence charges are not a legal DV charge.  In other cases, even those which are correctly filed as an act of Domestic Violense, don’t necessarily need to be a permanent barrier to firearm possession.  Depending on the exact terms of the plea bargain, the consequences of a DV plea can be greatly reduced.  Never talk with police about your case.  They are not your friends, so be quiet.  Then, talk to our Domestic Violence criminal defense lawyers to protect your gun rights.

Not all crimes charged as DV have to end your right to concealed carry or gun possession.  Call our defense lawyer team at 970-616-6009, to schedule a free meeting to learn more.  Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Andrew Le on Unsplash