Greeley Marijuana Use and Bond Conditions |
Bill Passed Allowing Marijuana Use While on Bond

A bill has passed that would allow defendants to be able to use medical marijuana while on bond. Read more about this new bill and standard bond conditions.

When a person is arrested in Greeley, Erie, or Evans and subsequently bonded out of the Weld County Jail, they will leave with certain requirements or stipulations as part of their bond conditions. These conditions are pretty standard, but can be modified by the Weld County Court judges to include additional conditions based on perceived needs and severity of the charges. One of these standard conditions is no drug use, which, in the eyes of the Court includes marijuana. However, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill that would allow defendants on bond to use medical marijuana, as long they hold a valid medical marijuana card.

Weld County Criminal Defense Lawyer: Do Standard Conditions of Bond Allow Medical Marijuana Use?

The Weld County Court has standard paperwork that they use to decide a defendant’s bond conditions. If you violate one, you can lose your bond.  Also, it can result in new charges being filed against you. Basically, bond conditions are a list of conditions which the judge sets by checking boxes that apply to your case. There is also additional space where a judge can write in other specific conditions at their discretion.

Standard conditions of a bond may include:

  • No weapons
  • No Drugs
  • No Alcohol
  • No Driving without a Valid Driver’s License
  • Random UAs
  • Random BAs
  • Daily UAs
  • Daily BAs
  • GPS Monitoring
  • Substance Abuse Monitoring
  • Electronic Substance Abuse Monitoring
  • Electronic Home Monitoring
  • Pre-Trial Supervision
  • Abide by any No-Contact Orders
  • Abide by any Protections Orders

Greeley Criminal Defense Attorney: Why You Should Have an Attorney at Your Bond Appearance

Depending on the allegations, a defendant may have to wait to go in front of a Weld, Morgan, or Logan County judge to have their bond amount and conditions set. This is not a time you want to just leave things up to chance. You need to have an experienced criminal defense attorney to explain to the judge why your bond should not be set at an unreasonable amount or why certain bond conditions are not necessary for you. Getting an attorney from the O’Malley Law Office working on your case from the get-go will give you the best chance at a successful resolution. Bond conditions are really important.  If you are accused of violating one, you will be rearrested and may not get out of jail.

If you or someone you love has been arrested for a bond violation or crime, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Source: Pixabay-4657743