Criminal Defense Attorney in Kit Carson, Logan, Yuma, Phillips, Morgan, Sedgwick and Washington County, Colorado

Have you been accused of a Misdemeanor or Felony charge? Contact the best Eastern Colorado criminal defense attorneys at 970-616-6009.

Are you facing Criminal Charges in an Eastern Colorado County like Kit Carson, Logan, Yuma, Phillips, Morgan, Sedgwick or Washington County? A Felony or Misdemeanor conviction can change your life from personal, to financial, to career – every aspect of your life can be affected. The Criminal Defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office have over 30 years of experience in defending against criminal charges and getting good outcomes in their cases. Let our attorneys fight for you. Below our attorneys will discuss Colorado Misdemeanor and Felony Offenses and how they can help you.

Are You Facing a Misdemeanor Criminal Offense in Kit Carson County, Logan County, or Yuma?

Do you live in Kit Carson, Logan, or Yuma County in Eastern Colorado? Misdemeanor Offenses in Colorado are less serious than Felony Offenses, however you can still be required to serve time in jail and pay fines if convicted. Misdemeanors are now divided into two classes, Class 1 Misdemeanors and Class 2 Misdemeanors. There are also Misdemeanor Traffic and Drug Offenses, and unclassified misdemeanors which include DUI.  Some examples of Misdemeanor Offenses are:

Class 1 Misdemeanors:

Class 2 Misdemeanors:

Penalties in Phillips County for Misdemeanor Convictions

In Phillips County and the rest of Colorado, a class 1 misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor sentence. Class 1 misdemeanors are punishable by up to 364 days in jail, a fine of up to $1,000, or both. A Class 2 misdemeanor carries a possible 120-day jail term, a fine of up to $750, or both. It is important to note that Traffic and Drug Misdemeanors carry their own unique penalties, and you can learn more about Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses here and Misdemeanor Drug Offenses here.

Felony Criminal Charge in Sedgwick County or Morgan County Colorado?

Felony criminal charges are the most severe charges a defendant can face.  If you are in Sedgwick or Morgan County, you will want skilled and aggressive attorneys fighting for you. There are six classes of felonies in Colorado and the punishments in any class of felony conviction are harsher than misdemeanor offenses. Some examples of Colorado Felony Criminal Charges are:

Washington County Sentences for Felony Criminal Convictions

Felony Offenses in Washington County and the rest of Colorado carry harsher punishments than Misdemeanor Offenses. A class 6 felony offense can carry penalties of 1 year – 18 months in a Colorado State Prison, $1,000 – $100,0-00 in fines, and 1-year mandatory parole. The most severe penalties are a class 1 felony conviction, with possible life in prison, $5,000 – $1,000,000 in fines, and 3-5 years of mandatory parole. Crimes of Violence or and Extraordinary Risk Crime carry an enhanced sentence which you can learn more about here.

Why Hire a Top Eastern Colorado Defense Attorney for a Felony or Misdemeanor Charge?

In Morgan County, Yuma County, Logan County and across Eastern Colorado if you are facing a Felony or Misdemeanor charge, you will want a top criminal defense attorney. Our defense attorneys know that your life, job, and reputation rely on having a skilled and aggressive attorney to learn the facts of your case and get you the best possible outcome. Our attorneys regularly get charges reduced or dismissed in a client’s case.

Have you or someone you love been accused of a Misdemeanor or Felony charge? Be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best Eastern Colorado criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Austin Sullivan