Criminal Record Sealing in Greeley, Colorado
Top Weld County Lawyers Explain the Advantages of Sealing Your Record

Criminal record sealing offers a second chance to many people in Greeley, Colorado, who have been convicted of a crime.  When a record is sealed, it is no longer accessible to the public, making several aspects of life far easier.  Because public entities can no longer view the record, it is far easier to find success with applying for jobs, finding a place to live, and even maintain your personal reputation.  If your criminal record is making life unduly difficult, contact a top criminal defense lawyer to help you seal your record and begin living in freedom again.

Blog Navigation:

1. What is Record Sealing in Greeley, and What are the Benefits?

2. Am I Eligible to Have My Weld County Court Record Sealed?

3. Will My Gun Rights Be Restored After My Record is Sealed in Firestone in Frederick?

4. Should I Contact a Top Greeley Lawyer to Have My Record Sealed?

1. What is Record Sealing in Greeley, and What are the Benefits?

In Greeley, criminal record sealing essentially closes off a person’s criminal record to the public.  The record still exists, and may be used in the future by law enforcement or the Weld County Courts.  However, the record cannot be accessed by any member of the public.

The greatest benefit of sealing a criminal record is the legal ability to deny having been arrested, charged, or convicted of the crime that was previously on the record.  This significantly increases the chances of finding or maintaining employment, buying a home or renting an apartment, or applying to a university.

2. Am I Eligible to Have My Weld County Court Record Sealed?

Not everyone is eligible to have their Weld County Court record sealed.  People who are not eligible include those who have been convicted of:

However, a misdemeanor offense otherwise ineligible for sealing may be sealed with the District Attorney’s consent.  Alternatively, the Court must find that your need for the sealed record is substantial, and you do not pose a threat to the safety of the public.

3. Will My Gun Rights Be Restored After My Record is Sealed in Firestone in Frederick?

One reason that many people express interest in sealing their criminal records is because they would like to have their gun rights restored.  Unfortunately, if you are prohibited from owning a firearm due to a prior conviction, sealing your record will not restore your gun rights.  Your prior conviction will still show up on a federal background check, which a firearms dealer is required to run before a sale.  Firearm rights and other collateral consequences are only ever restored through clemency, which is incredibly rare.

4. Should I Contact a Top Greeley Lawyer to Have My Record Sealed?

Yes – contacting a top Greeley criminal defense lawyer will make all the difference in whether you are able to have your record sealed.  An experienced attorney can help you by:

  • Determining whether you are eligible to have your record sealed. This depends on the crime of which you were convicted, and how many years have elapsed since release from the Court’s jurisdiction.
  • Writing the Motion to Seal Criminal Conviction Records on your behalf, significantly reducing the likelihood of rejection due to error.
  • Appearing in court alongside you if the Weld County Courts set a hearing to determine whether to seal your record.

Your chances of success are far greater with a top criminal defense lawyer.  Don’t wait, and contact us today to help you seal your criminal record and help you live in freedom again.

Are you seeking to have your criminal record sealed?  Contact a top criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience at the O’Malley Law Office at (970) 616-6009 today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by Anete Lusina