Disorderly Conduct Charges: Colorado Man Fires Gun in Park

A man faces Disorderly Conduct charges after firing gun shots in a park.

A Colorado man has been charged with Disorderly Conduct – CRS 18-9-106 and Reckless Endangerment – CRS 18-3-208. Last week, residents living along the southern edge of a housing subdivision awoke to gunfire. The cops were called, and it was found that the man was firing a shotgun and handgun at the rock formations. Approximately 150 rounds were fired in the park. The police said that they were almost struck by the rounds that were ricocheting off the rock formations. After being questioned by the police, the man stated that he did not know that shooting was forbidden in the park, and that he had made a mistake. Errors of judgment happen to the best of us – don’t let an arrest ruin your future. Call our experienced defense attorneys if you are arrested for Disorderly conduct in Windsor, Greeley or Eaton.

What is Disorderly Conduct?

In the case of the shooting suspect, Disorderly Conduct was charged because he intentionally, knowingly or recklessly discharged a firearm in a public place and displayed a “deadly weapon…in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.” (Read more about Disorderly Conduct charges).

This offense is a Class 2 Misdemeanor, and the man faces jail time and a hefty fine. Be aware that sometimes a prosecutor will file additional charges against the accused, such as Illegal Discharge of a Firearm (CRS 18-12-107.5), which is a Class 5 felony. This serious classification is sometimes used to scare the accused into accepting a plea deal for a lesser offense. If you are arrested for Disorderly Conduct in Weld, Morgan or Logan County, call your lawyer immediately, and do not accept a plea deal that could affect your future.

If the police approach or accuse you of Disorderly Conduct, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net – Naypong