Falsely Accused of Criminal Charges for Child Custody Gain, in Weld County Domestic Court

Falsely Accused of Criminal Charges for Child Custody Gain, in Weld County, Learn more by calling O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009.

Today it is common to be falsely accused of criminal charges for child custody gain in Weld County Domestic Court.  Parental responsibility is a new court term synonymous with Child Custody. It involves court ordered time parents get to be with their children and to have the privilege to make child rearing decisions. Child custody, parenting time, and parenting responsibilities can be greatly impacted by criminal charges.

Judges in Greeley Criminal Cases and Divorce Cases Worry About Crime and Kids

All Greeley judges like their jobs, so with criminal cases, they never want to expose themselves to criticism if a child might be hurt. Even divorce judges are worried about the possible loss of their nice job. This means that criminal court judges and domestic relations judges are willing to enter protection orders of no-contact with kids, to protect the safety of their job, even if children are not actually at risk. Divorce judges are usually inclined to grant sole custody to one parent when the other is charged with a crime.

Divorce Advantages from Criminal Charges = False Charges Often Occur in Weld Courts

Sorry ladies, but you’re 10x more likely to falsely charge your husband with a crime to gain an advantage in your divorce case.  We frequently see women in divorces coaxing their kids to say that daddy spanks them too hard, hits them or has sexual contact with them. The idea is to use the power of the courts to gain strategic power against the man and prevent any parenting time or child custody.  And, wimpy judges are all to willing to “play it safe” with their careers and restrict the parenting time of a man who supposedly has the presumption of innocence.

Divorce Encourages False Accusations of Crimes in Greeley Courts

Divorce quickly becomes a battle which encourages false accusations against men in Greeley Courts.  The advantage is that women get their ex arrested, charged with a crime, and a no-contact order put in place.  While he is in jail from a surprise arrest, the women clean out the bank accounts and tell their kids daddy doesn’t love them anymore.  Colorado judges unwittingly give these women a tremendous advantage as they have all the money to hire lawyers and practice parental alienation where kids lose their affection for their father.

Hire a Greeley Criminal Lawyer to Fight for Your Kids and Assets?

Yes, hiring one of the best Greeley Criminal Lawyers to fight your criminal charges means quicker reunification with your kids and a fair split of marital assets.  Criminal charges mean divorce judges will not give you fair parenting time or access to your home.  Don’t take these charges lightly, as women know how strategic they are.  Some men even go so far as to give up parental rights just to be sure the woman will back off the criminal allegations.  Don’t be that man.  Your kids need you – especially considering how this type of a woman will ruin them for life.

We’ve been practicing criminal defense for over 30 years.  We are not personal injury or business lawyers who practice criminal defense part-time.  Criminal defense is all we do.  We know criminal law well.  Learn more by calling Shaun Harrell or Terry O’Malley at 970-616-6009.  Together, we can protect your and your kids’ future.

Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay