Felony Assault (CRS 18-3-202) and Weld County Criminal Record Sealing

We receive many calls from great people like you in Weld County about criminal record sealing of felony crimes like First Degree Assault (CRS 18-3-202), Second Degree Burglary (CRS 18-4-203), or Third Degree Trespass (CRS 18-4-504). Once a judgment has been handed down and a conviction rendered for some of these more serious felony crimes that occurred in Greeley, Windsor, or Erie, some cases are sealable and others are not.

On a regular basis we successfully seal criminal records in which the charges against the defendant were never filed, later dismissed, or if, at trial, they are found to be not guilty. This is important because many people don’t realize that these charges will remain on your record. Even if you are completely innocent and simply the victim of a mistake by police, potential employers will have access to these arrest records. An explanation after the fact, even if it is a positive outcome, is often too little too late for many employers. Many employers will never call you to clarify the outcome of your criminal case. It is important to take steps to seal any sealable records. It does not happen automatically.

It is equally important to know that certain crimes may never be sealed or expunged from your record. Convictions of these crimes will have a lasting effect on your personal life. We do not believe it is fair for the punishment to exist so long after the time has been served and the defendant has repaid their debt to society. That is Colorado law, however, and until it is changed we will fight for our clients to make sure that a permanent criminal record is not something they have to deal with. In many cases, we can lessen the harm by having your record accurately show that many of the charges from your case were dismissed, and that only one resulted in a conviction.

Have you been approached by police because of serious felony charges that will have a lasting effect on gun rights and leave you with a permanent criminal record? Be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.