Forgery in Weld County: Lying about Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License

Learn more about Forgery in Weld County and across Colorado.

When you hear that someone has been charged with Forgery – C.R.S. 18-5-102, the first thing that comes into your mind is most likely that they tried to pass a fake check, or signed someone else’s name and pretended to be them. But, did you know you can get charged with forgery for Driving Under Restraint / Revocation without a license in Weld, Logan or Morgan County?

Charged with Forgery for Lying to the Police

If you are driving without a current license, and your Colorado Driver’s License is revoked or suspended, you could get charged with Driving Under Restraint. Most people know that there is a mandatory jail sentence if they are caught driving. Often, if they are driving anyway and are stopped by the police, they will pretend to be a family member or friend, and tell the police officer in Windsor, Greeley, or Fort Lupton that they left their license at home. They will then sign a ticket for speeding or running a stop sign in the name of another person. When that person fails to show up in court, a warrant will be issued for their arrest. A friend will quickly point out who the real drive is once they’ve been arrested. This scenario will end in your arrest for Forgery in Weld County.

What is Forgery in Weld County – C.R.S. 18-5-205?

You will be charged with Forgery in Weld, Morgan or Logan County:

“If, with the intent to defraud, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is calculated to become or to represent if completed: (e) A written instrument officially issued or created by a public office, public servant, or government agency.” In the circumstances mentioned above, a traffic ticket or summons is issued by the police, and is therefore an official document.

One thoughtless, harmless act like driving while your license is revoked or suspended, can lead to felony forgery charges. Often, people justify their actions (lying to the police) in order to avoid time in the Weld County jail. But, they fail to realize that lying to police counts as forgery in Greeley – they could spend time in the Colorado Department of Corrections instead.

If you or a loved one was driving with a Colorado license that was suspended or revoked and have been charged with forgery in Weld, Morgan or Logan County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: – EA