Greeley Criminal Mischief Attorney | She Liked What?

A woman will be looking for a good Criminal Mischief attorney after breaking her boyfriend's truck windows over a fight about an ex-lover.

Greeley Criminal Mischief Attorney | She Liked What?

Social media can definitely make it more difficult to avoid people you do not like. It also makes it easier for everyone to know things about your life. Case and point, the subject of today’s blog. According to the news report, a woman woke up her boyfriend because she was angry over a Facebook like.  Apparently it was the man’s birthday and a friend had posted a happy birthday message on his Facebook wall. A woman who the boyfriend had cheated with in the past liked the post and upset the girlfriend. She woke up her boyfriend and an argument ensued, culminating in the girlfriend taking the hammer out of the toolbox and attacking his truck. She allegedly smashed the windows and scratched the driver’s side of his truck. The woman was charged with Criminal Mischief as an act of Domestic Violence. This same thing could occur in Greeley, Colorado.

Weld County Criminal Mischief Lawyer: What is the Definition of Criminal Mischief?

The Colorado law definition of Weld County Criminal Mischief – C.R.S. 18-4-501 – is:

A person commits criminal mischief when he or she knowingly damages the real or personal property of one or more other persons, including property owned by the person jointly with another person or property owned by the person in which another person has a possessory or proprietary interest, in the course of a single criminal episode.

Because the woman took a hammer to the windows of her boyfriend’s truck and scratched the exterior, she is facing the Criminal Mischief charges. In Greeley, Erie, and Evans, Criminal Mischief can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor depending on the amount of damage caused:

  • $0 – $299 worth of damage = class 3 misdemeanor
  • $300 – $749 worth of damage = class 2 misdemeanor
  • $750 – $999 worth of damage = class 1 misdemeanor
  • $1,000 – $4,999 worth of damage = class 6 felony
  • $5,000 – $19,999 worth of damage = class 5 felony
  • $20,000 – $99,999 worth of damage = class 4 felony
  • $100,000 – $999,999 worth of damage = class 3 felony
  • $1,000,000 or more worth of damage = class 2 felony

Automobiles are not a cheap thing to fix and any damage can result in a high bill. Considering the boyfriend will need all his windows replaced along with some body work, I would not be surprised if she were looking at a felony Criminal Mischief charge.

Greeley Domestic Violence Lawyer: What is Domestic Violence in Weld County?

Domestic Violence is not a separate crime a person can be charged with in Weld, Morgan, or Logan County. Instead, it is a sentence enhancer added to any underlying crime. Anytime a crime is committed and the people involved are currently or have been in an intimate relationship, the Domestic Violence sentence enhancer can be added. When a crime is considered a Domestic Violence offense, a mandatory protection order is entered, preventing any contact between the two parties. With sentencing, the DV sentence enhancer will require the convicted party to complete Domestic Violence treatment, usually a minimum 36 week program. Domestic Violence Treatment programs can be very expensive.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Weld County Criminal Mischief or a Domestic Violence offense, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Source: Pixabay-Unsplash