Greeley Intimidating a Witness or Victim Attorney
Private Investigator Charged with Trying to Blackmail Victim’s Family

A man is facing additional charges of Intimidating a Witness or Victim, along with his P.I., for trying to blackmail the victim's family in his case.

In Greeley and Weld County, Intimidating a Witness or Victim is charged when a person threatens or harasses someone connected with a criminal case in order to influence testimony. A man and his private investigator are facing these charges after hatching a scheme to blackmail a victim’s family member. According to the report, the man was accused of sexually assaulting a young family member. His P.I. somehow set up the victim’s family member and recorded that family member having sex with two prostitutes.  He later approached the family member and threatened to release the videos if they didn’t ‘stop making trouble.’ The family immediately reported the threat and the man was charged with an additional crime and his P.I. picked up a criminal case as well.

Weld County Intimidating a Witness: Definition of Intimidating a Victim in Morgan County

The Weld, Morgan, and Logan County, Colorado law definition of Intimidating a Witness or Victim – C.R.S. 18-8-704 – is:

(1)  A person commits intimidating a witness or victim if, by use of a threat, act of harassment as defined in section 18-9-111, or act of harm or injury to any person or property directed to or committed upon a witness in any criminal or civil proceeding; a victim of any crime; a person he or she believes has been or is to be called or who would have been called to testify as a witness in any criminal or civil proceeding or a victim of any crime; a member of the witness’ family; a member of the victim’s family; a person in close relationship to the witness or victim; a person residing in the same household with the witness or victim; or any person who has reported a crime or who may be called to testify as a witness to or victim of any crime, he or she intentionally attempts to or does:

(a)  Influence the witness or victim to testify falsely or unlawfully withhold any testimony; or

(b)  Induce the witness or victim to avoid legal process summoning him to testify; or

(c)  Induce the witness or victim to absent himself or herself from an official proceeding; or

(d)  Inflict such harm or injury prior to such testimony or expected testimony.

The men would be facing this class 4 felony for threatening a family member connected to the victim to try and affect the testimony of the family.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Intimidating a Witness or Victim, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Kamil S on Unsplash