Greeley Shoplifting Theft Lawyer
Woman Drinks 6-Pack of Beer in Target Dressing Room

A woman was charged for Shoplifting Theft after drinking a six pack of beers in the Target dressing room and leaving the store with $200 worth of items.

Shoplifting Theft is charged in Greeley and Weld County when a person takes or conceals something of value from a store or retailer without permission and with the intent of never giving it back. A woman is facing Shoplifting charges after she drank a 6 pack of beer in the Target dressing room and then proceeded to leave the store with hundreds of dollars’ worth of items. Maybe she just needed a little liquid courage before trying to get away with the other items? She did not get very far though, as she was caught and arrested for Shoplifting Theft.

Weld County Shoplifting Attorney: Definition of Shoplifting Theft in Morgan and Logan County

The Weld, Morgan, and Logan County, Colorado law definition of Theft – C.R.S. 18-4-401 – is:

(1) A person commits theft when he or she knowingly obtains, retains, or exercises control over anything of value of another without authorization or by threat or deception; or receives, loans money by pawn or pledge on, or disposes of anything of value or belonging to another that he or she knows or believes to have been stolen, and:

(a)  Intends to deprive the other person permanently of the use or benefit of the thing of value;

(b)  Knowingly uses, conceals, or abandons the thing of value in such manner as to deprive the other person permanently of its use or benefit;

(c)  Uses, conceals, or abandons the thing of value intending that such use, concealment, or abandonment will deprive the other person permanently of its use or benefit;

(d)  Demands any consideration to which he or she is not legally entitled as a condition of restoring the thing of value to the other person; or

(e)  Knowingly retains the thing of value more than seventy-two hours after the agreed-upon time of return in any lease or hire agreement.

Often, when people call about Shoplifting cases, they wonder if they should have even been charged if they never left the store. The statue addresses this by using the terms ‘uses’ and ‘conceals.’ Putting something in your handbag is concealing it and could therefore be considered Theft.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Shoplifting Theft in Greeley, Erie, or Evans, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule your free consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash