Hire a Weld County Lawyer for a Impersonating a Police Officer or Peace Officer Charge | Affordable Criminal Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been arrested for an Impersonating a Peace Officer charge, call the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009.

Have you been falsely accused of an Impersonating a Police Officer charge in Weld County? You will need an affordable criminal lawyer who can give you the best criminal defense. It is October, and while dressing up as heroes, princesses, and local “good guys” like the police, it is possible to commit a crime without knowing it. A Jefferson County man has been accused of Impersonating a Police Officer, because he was accused of pulling a woman over after flashing a fake Interpol badge. The man had apparently created a Colorado Parks and Wildlife uniform.  After pulling over a woman, he faces Impersonating a Police Officer Charge.

What is Impersonating a Peace or Police Officer in Greeley, Colorado? C.R.S. 18-8-112

The Greeley, Colorado, law definition of Impersonating a Peace Officer – C.R.S. 18-8-112 – is:

A person who falsely pretends to be a peace officer and performs an act in that pretended capacity commits impersonating a peace officer.

In the above story, because he pretended to be an officer and performed a police officer’s duties, he could be convicted of the Impersonating a Peace Officer charges. Note that if he had not pulled the lady over (“an act”), he could not have been convicted.  It seems as if you could legally dress up as a Greeley Police Officer and go shopping for groceries, walk the downtown mall or drive around in your car waiving at people.

What is the Definition of Impersonation of a Peace Officer in Weld County?

Halloween and playing dress up aside, knowing the charges you face and definitions of the words in the charges is important. In Weld County, the definition of Impersonation is any time a person dresses as a police officer and does one of the things which officers normally do;

  • verbally indicating they are a police officer
  • presenting fake police credentials, such as a police badge to someone
  • directing traffic while indicating they are an officer (by uniform or equipment)
  • pulling over a driver with red and blue lights or after displaying a uniform or badge
  • making an arrest

In the above case, because the man showed a badge to pull the woman over, even though he did not have colored lights turned on, he still could be charged with Impersonating a Police Officer.

Impersonating a Public Servant is defined in C.R.S. 18-8-113.

The legal definition of Impersonating a Public Servant is:

(1) A person commits impersonating a public servant if he falsely pretends to be a public servant other than a peace officer and performs any act in that pretended capacity.

(2) It is no defense to a prosecution under this section that the office the actor pretended to hold did not in fact exist.

(3) Impersonating a public servant is a class 3 misdemeanor.

Possible Defenses for Impersonating a Police Officer Charges in Greeley, Colorado

If a person is facing an Impersonating a Police Officer Charge in Greeley, Colorado, some defenses can be:

  • the person was not actually pretending to be a police officer
  • there were no official type acts done while the person was dressed as an officer
  • the defendant did not represent that they were an officer to anyone

If Convicted of Impersonation of a Peace or Police Officer in Weld County, What is the Sentence?

Impersonating a peace or police officer is a class 6 felony in Colorado. If you are convicted in Weld County, you will face a sentence of:

  • 1 year to 18 months in the Colorado Department of Corrections and
  • $1000-$100,000 fine

A felony conviction is serious and can have lasting impacts on your job hunting for the rest of your life. Having a felony on your record can impact work, travel, and even your ability to own a firearm.

If you or a loved one has been arrested by the Weld County Sheriff or Greeley Police for impersonating a Peace Officer, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay