How to be Successful on Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation, SOISP
An Honest Blog with Hard Facts

Want to be Successful on Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation. Call one of our defense lawyers today at 970-616-6009. 

How Can I be Successful on Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation, SOISP, in Greeley?

To be successful on Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation, SOISP, you must have a proper mindset.  This can be summed up in one short statement which you must believe: “They own you.” Once you plead guilty in a Sex Offender case, if you’re granted probation, your probation officer owns you for the term of probation.  And, they will not hesitate to require strict compliance with the rules of Sex Offender Probation, which will severely restrict your activities and movement.  Your freedom is gone and you don’t have a say anymore. Quit thinking, “I have rights,” since you don’t.  They are suspended. Quit whining as well or you will fail and go to prison or jail.  You must change your thinking.  Once you admit that you committed a sex offense, no one in government is going to take a chance on your good judgment and self control.  They figure that you have no good judgment or self control.

Rules of Sex Offender Probation, SOISP, in Weld County and Greeley Court

Strict Sex Offender Probation rules exist for community safety in Weld County – so the saying goes.  Sex offenses are seen as the worst kind by many judges, probation officers and the public.  If you mess up and break a rule, judges will rarely disagree with a probation officer and will send you to prison or jail.  Little rules and big rules all matter.  Even if they are inconvenient, or a difficult problem for you, everyone expects you to DO THEM.  Here are some common ones:

  • No contact with kids – even your own, unless permission is granted by your probation officer.
  • No internet use except by permission and with monitoring software on your computer or phone.
  • No use or possession of unmonitored phone or computer devices.
  • You must pass regular maintenance and sex history polygraphs.
  • You must internalize and progress in Sex Offender Treatment concepts and assignments.
  • Follow rules of curfew (there are nightly call-ins), safety plans, drug or alcohol use, and other conduct limitations.
  • You must change you thinking about sex, control, and your offense.
  • You must register as a sex offender.
  • Get an approved job – many companies will fire you once you are accused of a sex crime.

Penalties for Revocation of Your Sex Offender Probation, SOISP in Greeley

In most cases, following a Sex conviction for crimes like Sexual Assault, Internet Luring or Sexual Assault on a Child, you can go to prison for life.  These are big stakes, so remember that probation owns you for the full term of your probation, which is often a minimum of a decade, or 10 years, and is often 20 years or more.  Misdemeanor convictions for things like Unlawful Sexual Contact can amount to 2 years in the Weld County Jail.  You have the opportunity to get a probation revocation hearing, but this is only useful with a friendly judge and weak evidence that you violated your probation – these are hard to come by with a sexual crime.

Your Hardship Sex Crime Probation Case? – How Can You Get Your Probation Officer to Give You a Break?

There is no such thing as a hardship case on sex offender probation.  All of your supervision rules are hard and probation owns you – remember that.  Everyone in the system despises you based on your crime, and they are not in a forgiving mood.  They will lose their job if they ever put their office or their supervisor at risk by doing you a favor.  It is universal:  You are a bad guy and will be treated that way.  Don’t think you can smooze your way into their hearts.  Many have tried and are now in prison.

How to Win Your Sex Offender Probation Revocation Hearing

Judges don’t care about you.  Really.  Once you are accused of violating the strict rules of Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation, after you’ve plead guilty, no judge cares. But, if the evidence of a violation is debatable and unclear, a judge might be forced to admit that you should be given a stern warning and a second chance.  If this happens, your probation officer who brought the Complaint for Revocation of Sex Offender Probation, will have it out for you and double her or his efforts to sink you.  Remember this: they keep a record of every late appointment, every missed or hot UA (even if not your fault), every late or forgotten curfew call, and every incidental contact with a child.

My Weld County Probation Officer is Lying.  What Can I do with a Probation Officer who Lies?

Nearly all probation officers are willing to lie about what you did or did not do.  This keeps them from losing their job.  Document everything.  Every call.  Every UA.  Every movement out of your house.  No judge will believe a CONVICTED sex offender rather than a probation officer.  You must prove you did not call in late or miss an appointment**.  The burden is on you.

**The bottom line is that your probation officer owns you.  Over a period of 10 or more years, everyone will make a few mistakes.  It is natural.  If you have a solid, SUBMISSIVE relationship with your probation officers, they will not file a revocation.  If they don’t like you or your risk to their career is ongoing, they will file to revoke probation and you will have little chance to win.  Be humble, don’t push boundaries, and make the changes they demand.

Our sexual crimes defense attorneys are experienced and understand the complex laws and probation rules.  After 30 years in the Weld County Courts, we know sex crimes defense.  Call one of our defense lawyers today at 970-616-6009.  Together, we can protect your future.

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