Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License, C.R.S. 33-6-107 in Greeley and Weld County, Colorado
Best Criminal Defense Lawyers Explain Hunting Without a License Laws

Facing a Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License charge in Greeley? Call 970-616-6009 to speak with one of our criminal defense lawyers.

Have you been charged with Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License in Greeley or Weld County? If so, it is in your best interest to hire a top criminal defense lawyer. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department has many complicated laws and regulations surrounding hunting licenses. If you are facing charges for hunting without a proper license, retaining an experienced criminal defense attorney is vital. With fall and hunting season upon Weld County, it is crucial that you understand the charges you can face if you are caught Hunting without a Valid or Proper License.

Colorado Definition of Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License, C.R.S. 33-6-107

In Colorado, Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License, C.R.S. 33-6-107 (3), is defined as follows:

Except as otherwise provided in articles 1 to 6 of this title or by rule of the commission, any person, regardless of age, who hunts or takes wildlife in this state shall procure a proper and valid license therefor and shall have the valid license on his or her person when exercising the benefits it confers. A person who violates this subsection (3) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine and an assessment of license suspension points.

Every hunter must have a valid license to hunt in Colorado and hunter education certificate. Additionally, any person with a license to hunt wildlife must carry the license on their person while hunting. This means that if you have a valid license, but accidentally leave it in your vehicle and you are asked to show it to a Parks and Wildlife Officer, you could be charged with Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License, much like if you are pulled over for speeding and aren’t able to show proof that you carry insurance.

Common Wildlife Violations Related to Hunting Without a Proper License in Weld County

Hunting Without a Proper License in Weld County is one of the most common wildlife violations in Weld County. Other related charges include:

  • Failure to Tag, C.R.S. 33-6-111
  • Hunting, Trapping, or Fishing on Private Property, C.R.S. 33-6-116
  • Illegal Possession of Wildlife, C.R.S. 33-6-109(1)
  • Use of Wildlife as Bait, C.R.S. 33-6-119

Penalties for Hunting without a Valid or Proper License in Fort Lupton and Firestone, Colorado

In Fort Lupton, Firestone, and across Colorado, Hunting without a Valid or Proper License is a misdemeanor violation, with penalties generally involving large fines and license suspension points. The fines and points assessed to your license are determined by the size of the game that was being hunted. The fines are twice the amount of the most expensive license for big or small game, depending on the animal you had hunted. You will also incur 15 points on your license for hunting big game and 10 points on your license for hunting small game.

How Can a Top Weld County Criminal Defense Attorney Help You?

A top criminal defense attorney in Weld County knows that if you have been charged with Hunting Without a Proper License, your ability to hunt and fish is on the line. If you earn 20 points on a license in a consecutive 5-year period, you could lose your hunting and fishing privileges for 5 years. Before you pay the large fines, contact the O’Malley Law Office. We have over 30 years of experience successfully defending our clients at the Weld County Courts and can help you!

Facing a Hunting Without a Valid or Proper License charge?  Call 970-616-6009 to speak with one of our top criminal defense lawyers today. Together, we can protect your future – including your ability to hunt and fish.

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay