What Sounds Like Fun, Turns into Involuntary Manslaughter | Weld County Lawyer

A teen faces manslaughter charges after playing around with a gun.

Recently, I read a sad story online about a girl from another state whose afternoon of fun with friends turned into Manslaughter charges and $10,000 bail. According to the story, a group of 8 to 10 friends were hanging out at a house in the country when someone decided it would be fun to put on a bullet proof vest and have friends shoot a gun at them. The 18-year-old girl shot the gun at her male friend, thinking the vest would protect him, but the bullet hit an unprotected part of his chest and he bled to death.

What Exactly is Manslaughter?

Manslaughter – C.R.S. 18-3-104 – is defined as:

  • recklessly causing the death of another person; or
  • intentionally causing or aiding another person to commit suicide.

The Law Can Be Unforgiving for Manslaughter Cases in Greeley

As a complete accident, this teen girl will have to live with the harsh reality that she caused her friend’s death. But, that is not enough for the law. Greeley, Evans, and Windsor Police, District Attorneys, and the victim’s family as well as the public push for someone to be held responsible and more importantly to them- punished. While punishing someone may be a temporary relief, it does not bring back the person who passed away and it has lasting effects on the accused.

We see what impact a Manslaughter has on your life, and want to minimize the legal affects on your life.

As criminal defense attorneys, we understand and sympathize with your circumstance surrounding Manslaughter, Assault, or Domestic Violence charges. We see what impact the event has on your life, and want to minimize the legal affects on your life. The experienced lawyers at the O’Malley Law Office make your future their number one priority.

If you or a loved one is facing charges related to the death of another person, you need an experienced Greeley murder and homicide defense attorney by your side. Be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: Pixabay – OpenClipart-Vectors