Juvenile Youth Diversion Program Attorney in Elbert County, Washington County, and Eastern Colorado
Juvenile Detention for Court

Is Your child facing facing Juvenile criminal charges in Eastern Colorado? Call our experienced juvenile attorneys today at the O’Malley Law Office.  Call 970-616-6009.

When a juvenile is facing criminal charges in Yuma County, Kit Carson County, or elsewhere in Eastern Colorado, it is likely that they will be ordered by the Court to enter a Juvenile Youth Diversion Program or Juvenile Detention. This program requires the youth to undergo supervision, classes, and treatment so that once completed, the charges can be removed from the juvenile’s criminal record. Below, the attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office discuss Juvenile Diversion Programs, and how your child or teen could benefit from an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend them at Juvenile Court.

What is a Juvenile Youth Diversion Program in Yuma County, Colorado? Juvenile Detention for Court

The Juvenile Youth Diversion Program in Yuma County, Colorado, Children’s Code § 19-2.5-102 (17)(a), C.R.S., is defined as:

“Diversion” means a decision made by a person with authority or a delegate of that person that results in specific official action of the legal system not being taken in regard to a specific juvenile or child and in lieu thereof providing or referring the juvenile or child to an individually designed program or activity, if necessary, provided by district attorneys’ offices, governmental units, or nongovernmental units. The goal of diversion is to prevent further involvement of the juvenile or child in the formal legal system.

The overall goal of these programs is to prevent children from continually entering the juvenile justice system by rehabilitating them instead of bringing legal charges against them. If the juvenile successfully completes the program, then the legal charges are dropped. This is a fantastic deal for young and inexperienced offenders.  If someone has multiple prior offenses, this program will probably not be an option.

Who Decides on a Diversion Program in a Juvenile Court Case in Fort Morgan, Brush, or Akron, Colorado? District Attorney’s Choice

In Fort Morgan, Brush, Akron, and across Colorado, the local district attorney (DA) will decide if a juvenile can enter a diversion program or if they will face criminal charges. On repeat or more serious charges, a DA may not allow a child to enter a Juvenile Diversion Program, but instead require them face the charges. If found guilty, the juvenile will then be adjudicated and sentenced, with a criminal record. This is one reason why it is crucial to have a top criminal defense attorney who understands juvenile law and won’t be pushed around by the DA. Sometimes, minor delinquency offenses are heard at a city’s Municipal Court rather than the County or District Court.  You can learn more about Municipal Courts here.

How Can an Eastern Colorado Attorney Help a Juvenile Enter a Diversion Program?

If your child has been charged with a criminal offense in Eastern Colorado, they will need the help of a skilled criminal defense lawyer. The attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office have over 30 years of experience in juvenile law and can defend your child by advocating for them to enter a Juvenile Youth Diversion Program. We want to fight for the best possible outcome in your child’s case and help protect their future. Entering the juvenile justice system instead of a Diversion Program can have serious consequences on a child’s life, and they may end up with a record that will negatively impact their future. In some cases, juveniles are charged as adults and face county jail or prison time.  Having an experienced juvenile attorney who can explain the Juvenile Court system and prevent you from being  taken advantage of by a district attorney, is critical for your child’s future.

If you are the parent of a child who is facing charges in Elbert County, Washington County, or in Eastern Colorado, exercise your right to remain silent. The police are not there to help your child, and speaking to them can hurt his or her case. Respectfully decline to be interviewed and call our experienced juvenile attorneys today at the O’Malley Law Office.  Call 970-616-6009, to meet with one of our criminal attorneys for a free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your child’s future.

Photo by Mahmoud Gamal