License Point Suspension in Weld County
Weld County Traffic Attorney Discusses Excessive License Point Suspension

Facing a License Point Suspension in Weld County? Call the O’Malley Law Office for help with your case at 970-616-6009.

In Weld County, License Point Suspension is when you have accumulated too many points against your license and it is suspended. Points are added to your license automatically when you are convicted of a traffic violation. Below, we will discuss how you accumulate these points, License Point Suspension, and how a criminal defense lawyer can help you.

Number of Points on a Greeley, Colorado Driver’s License That Will Cause a License Point Suspension

In Greeley and the rest of Colorado, the number of points that will cause a License Point Suspension depends on the age of the driver. Drivers under the age of 18 will have their License Suspended if they have 6 points in 12 months or 7 points before they turn 18. Drivers 18 – 20 years old can get a point suspension if they get 9 points in 12 months, 12 points in 24 consecutive months, or 14 points or more between the ages of 18 and 21 years old. Adults aged 21 or over will have their License Suspended if they receive 12 points in a 12-month period, or 18 points in a 24-month period.

It is also important to note that if you are a “chauffer,” taxi driver, or professional driver, the point system is different if the traffic violation happens while you are working. A professional driver’s license will be suspended when they accumulate 16 points in 12 months, 24 points in 24 months, or 28 points in 48 months.

Common Traffic Violations and DMV Points in Weld County

Traffic violations and the points associated with them in Weld County are calculated under C.R.S. 42-2-127. Some of the most common are:

If you are convicted of these traffic violations and the points add up too high, your license can be suspended as an Excessive License Point Suspension.

What Happens at a DMV Points Hearing in Windsor, Colorado?

In Windsor, a person who is facing a License Suspension is entitled to a hearing at a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Office. A DMV hearing is not as formal as a criminal trial, however a defendant has a right to have an attorney, present evidence, call witnesses, and to cross-examine any witnesses against them. It is important that the defendant attends these proceedings and has a skilled Traffic Law attorney to help defend them. The DMV will decide at the end of the hearing if there is enough evidence to suspend the defendant’s license. The license can be suspended for 6 months up to a year, which can impact your ability to drive to school, work, and affect your personal life.

What are the Requirements to Get My License Reinstated in Weld County?

In Weld County, the requirements to have your License Reinstated after a License Suspension, depend on what traffic violations caused your license to be suspended. At the very least, an application for reinstatement, a fee for reinstatement, and proof of insurance will be needed. Other requirements that might be needed to have your License Reinstated could be specialized insurance (sometimes an SR21), drug / alcohol treatment programs, or possibly an eligibility hearing depending on what traffic violations caused the suspension.

Why Hire a Greeley, Colorado, Traffic Lawyer When Facing an Excessive License Point Suspension?

The Department of Motor Vehicles and Greeley Police are not there to help you keep your license, so hiring a Traffic Lawyer to help navigate this process is important. We can help you navigate the DMV hearing and learn the details of your case to get the best outcome.

Are you or a loved are facing a License Point Suspension in Weld County? Call the O’Malley Law Office for help with your case. Call our office immediately to talk through the details of your case with our skilled Traffic Law attorneys at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Kindel Media