Theft Attorney Near Me in Greeley
Charged with Theft for Charging Your Phone?

A woman was charged with Petty Theft for charging her phone using the city's outlet.

Theft is taking something from someone else with the intention of not giving it back in Greeley and Weld County. Normally, when you think of Theft, you imagine someone shoplifting a candy bar or pocketing a $20 bill that was left on the table. You do not, however, think of charging your phone as an act of Theft. But, in Boulder, nine petty Theft tickets have been issued for Theft of a public utility. How does this happen? Well, according to the report, it happens when someone chooses to charge their cell phone using an outlet in a city or county owned building. The woman who spoke out about the incident had used one of the outlets in front of the courthouse and was approached by a police officer who told her she was stealing from the city. Can you imagine having a Theft charge on your record for charging your phone? Just another instance of the law being twisted to criminally charge people for something that is not criminal. The DA has dropped everyone of the charges in these nine cases.

Weld County Theft Lawyer: Definition of Theft of Electricity for Charging Your Phone

The Weld, Morgan, and Logan County, Colorado law definition of Theft – C.R.S. 18-4-401(1)(a) – is:

(1) A person commits theft when he or she knowingly obtains, retains, or exercises control over anything of value of another without authorization or by threat or deception; or receives, loans money by pawn or pledge on, or disposes of anything of value or belonging to another that he or she knows or believes to have been stolen, and:

(a) Intends to deprive the other person permanently of the use or benefit of the thing of value;

Because the people used the electricity with no intention of reimbursing the state for it, they were ticketed for the crime.

Sentence for Petty Theft in Erie and Evans

So, because the people probably used roughly 5 cents worth of electricity, they would be facing a petty Theft charge. Petty Theft is charged for any theft under $50. Yes, even a Theft of something worth 1 cent can be charged as a petty Theft.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Theft, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact  the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule your free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

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