Why Should I Care About Plea Bargains in Weld County?

Learn about plea bargains in Colorado.

When people hear that someone accepted a plea bargain in Weld, Morgan, or Logan County, they think they must be guilty of something much worse than what they plead to. This is simply untrue, and it arises out of ignorance. As an expert criminal defense attorney with over 20 years of experience, I know how often District Attorneys overcharge people, knowing they will offer a plea bargain.

Why Would Someone Accept a Plea Bargain?

Felony criminal cases are exhausting. They’re tiring emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You wouldn’t know this unless you had gone through the process yourself. I remind my clients on a daily basis that they are running a marathon, not a sprint. But, that’s hard to keep in mind night after night without sleep and during the anxiety that is their constant companion. All this stress leads to accepting a plea agreement when the Weld County DA offers it, without clearly thinking through the lifelong consequences.

In some cases, accepting a plea bargain is the best thing a client can do. As a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer, it is my job to advise my clients at to what is in their best interest. Many times, accepting a plea bargain is their best choice because their case would not do well at trial. In the end, it is always my client’s choice. Many of them decide to accept a plea agreement, and I approach the District Attorney and negotiate a better deal by bringing in more evidence.

Who Can Propose Plea Agreements in Greeley?

District Attorneys are authorized to engage in plea discussions with defendants or their attorney under Colorado Revised Statute 16-7-301. Also, DAs are also allowed to recommend different options for sentencing. The best criminal defense lawyers at our office know that DAs will consider the following options when proposed with the correct mitigation:

  • Community Service
  • Probation
  • Diversion Programs
  • Deferred Judgments

The lawyers at our office have gone through the plea bargaining process with many clients over many years.

When it Comes to Plea Bargains, You Need a Lawyer

Because there are so many options and consequences for each unique criminal case and plea agreement, it is wise to work with a seasoned attorney who has experience in the courtroom and has a thorough understanding of court processes. The lawyers at our office have gone through the plea bargaining process with many clients over many years. I personally have gained a great respect for every person who has to decide whether or not to take a plea agreement or go to trial. There are far too many factors which go into making this choice for me or anyone to judge their decision. I do know one thing, however. The best thing you can do to ensure you get the best possible deal in your case is to get the counsel of an aggressive criminal defense lawyer who can give you a good understanding of the legal side of the process.

If you or a loved one faces charges of a crime and is debating whether or not to accept a plea agreement, don’t hesitate to contact one of the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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