Greeley Reckless Driving Attorney
Texting While Driving Could Lead to Reckless Driving Charges

Texting while driving often leads to Reckless Driving charges. Read more about this traffic offense and how a Reckless Driving attorney could help you.

Anytime an officer asserts that an accident was the cause of someone driving without regard for others on the road, Reckless Driving can be charged.  I have read stories about young people texting while driving and easily becoming distracted, causing potential havoc on the road. Drifting into other lanes, oncoming traffic, or even off the road can be a result of texting and driving and often, Reckless Driving charges. Even if no accident occurred, in any of the above situations, a ticket for Reckless Driving is likely.

Weld County Reckless Driving Attorney

Weld County deputies consider Reckless Driving to be any act on the part of the driver who “willfully disregards” the safety of others as they drive. Texting, or doing anything else which distracts a person from driving including talking on the phone, having an argument with a passenger, putting on makeup, or eating can result in a criminal charge of reckless driving in Eaton, Erie, or Hudson. The District Attorney will try to prove the driver is consciously deciding to risk the safety of others by choosing to engage in activities which will distract him from the task of driving. Going too fast for hazardous weather conditions or weaving through traffic too quickly may also result in this charge. Police officers have the right to be very subjective and frequently District Attorneys overcharge.

Sentence for Reckless Driving in Greeley

Reckless Driving – C.R.S. 42-4-1401 – is a class 2 misdemeanor, but if anyone is injured if an accident resulting from reckless driving, other traffic charges such as Vehicular Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-205, or even Vehicular Homicide – C.R.S. 18-3-106 – could be added. These serious felony charges need to be handled by an experienced criminal defense attorney. A second conviction of reckless driving could result in a six month stint in jail and the offender could be subject to paying up to $1,000 in fines. If your job or a potential job requires you to do any driving, a conviction of Reckless Driving would greatly hurt your chances of retaining or getting the job.

If police in Greeley pull you over and charge you with Reckless Driving, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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