Third Degree Assault in Weld County

How is Third Degree Assault charged in Weld County and across Colorado?

If you are charged with Third Degree Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-204, you will face serious consequences in Greeley, Erie and Fort Morgan. The District Attorney in Weld, Morgan or Logan County will often fight hard for a sentence which includes jail time. Because of this, you need to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to be by your side and defend your against this serious charge.

What is Third Degree Assault in Weld, Morgan or Logan County?

You will be charged with Assault in the Third Degree if you:

  • Recklessly or knowingly cause bodily injury to another person;
  • Or, if you cause bodily injury with a deadly weapon to another person with criminal negligence.

If you punch, choke, kick, bite, grab, scrape, push or jab another person, you could be charged with Third Degree Assault. Often, when Greeley, Fort Lupton or Johnstown police question your alleged victim, they will ask if they were hurt, or experienced “pain” when you pushed them during a fight. If they answer “yes,” you could be charged with Third Degree Assault. This line of questioning is very vague – for this reason, you need to work with a criminal defense attorney who has experience working with crimes like Third Degree Assault. This questioning technique used by police is a sham – they often interview the alleged victim when they are still upset, angry and riled up immediately after the incident occurred. We fight this in court by speaking with the alleged victim after they have cooled down – days after the incident took place. By this time, they are much more rational and will not be as set on punishing the person who caused the injury. If a person changes their story of what happened, we are sure to inform the District Attorney in Weld, Morgan or Logan County.

Even if the injury of another person is an accident, you could be charged with this offense in Weld, Morgan or Logan County. For example, let’s say you are showing your buddy the new gun that you purchased – and it goes off unexpectedly and hits him in the foot. You could face charges of Third Degree Assault because you caused “bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon,” with “criminal negligence.”

If you or a loved one has been charged with Third Degree Assault, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

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