Greeley Throwing Missiles at Vehicles Attorney | Arrested for Throwing a Rock at a Car?

Did you know that throwing a rock at a car is a crime, even if it doesn't cause any damage? It is charged as Throwing Missiles at a Vehicle.

As spring gets closer and we get those brief reprieves from the winter chill, more people want to be outside – especially Greeley, Erie, and Fort Morgan children. They love those rare sunny and warm days where they do not have to bundle up in order to go out and get some fresh air. The other day, I was driving through my neighborhood on my way home when I saw a group of kids who had found a way to entertain themselves. They were throwing rocks at passing cars. Thankfully, my car was not going to be in the line of fire as I was turning onto my street before I was in range, but it made me wonder if those mischievous kiddos knew what they were doing was illegal. Obviously, if the rocks had caused any real damage to the cars, they could have been facing Criminal Mischief (or Property Damage) charges. But, the simple act itself is actually a crime whether there is any damage or not. Let’s read more about the Throwing Missiles at Vehicles and Harassment of Bicyclists crime.

Weld County Harassment of Bicyclists Lawyer: What is the Definition of Throwing Missiles at Vehicles?

First of all, in order to understand this crime, you have to know what ‘missile’ means according to the law. No, they are not just giant bombs used by the government. In this case, ‘missile’ means any object or substance. So, the Weld, Morgan, and Logan County definition of C.R.S. 18-9-116 – Throwing Missiles at Vehicles – Harassment of Bicyclists is:

(1) Any person who knowingly projects any missile at or against any vehicle or equipment designed for the transportation of persons or property, other than a bicycle, commits a class 1 petty offense.

(2) Any person who knowingly projects any missile at or against a bicyclist commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

What is the Punishment for Throwing a Rock at a Car or Bicycle in Greeley?

As a class 1 petty offense, Throwing Missiles at a Vehicle is punishable by up to six months in the Weld County Jail and a $500 fine. The law has decided to harshen the sentence for Harassment of a Bicyclist probably because they don’t have the protection of a car when a rock comes flying and there is more potential for injury. Harassment of a Bicyclist is a class 2 misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 12 months in the Logan County Jail and a $1,000 fine. It is probably a good idea to keep this in mind next time you see your kids getting into mischief like throwing rocks, because if they are 10 years old or older, they can be charged with this crime.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Criminal Mischief, Throwing Missiles at Vehicles, or Harassment of Bicyclists, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Source: Pixabay-Pexels