Weld County Animal Cruelty Lawyer
Viral Photos of Horse Lead to Owner Charged with Animal Abuse

If you have been charged with Cruelty to Animals,like horse abuse contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009

Any animal abuse or negligence, in Weld County, can lead to a charge of Animal Cruelty. Recently in Briggsdale, police were called about a report of horse abuse, after photos were posted on a social media site. The horse diagnosed with a severe case of founders, which is a disease that causes it to be painful to walk. The veterinarian that examined the horse reported that its hooves had not been trimmed in a few years, which led to the founders and the horse not being able to walk to get food or water. As a result of its condition, the horse was euthanized, and the horse owner was charged with Animal Cruelty. If you have been falsely charged with Cruelty to Animals read more below or contact the O’Malley Law offices with your questions.

What is the Definition of Animal Cruelty or Animal Abuse in Greeley, Colorado?

The Greeley, Colorado law definition of Cruelty to Animals – C.R.S. 18-9-202 – is:

A person commits cruelty to animals if he or she knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence overdrives, overloads, overworks, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beats, allows to be housed in a manner that results in chronic or repeated serious physical harm, carries or confines in or upon any vehicles in a cruel or reckless manner, engages in a sexual act with an animal, or otherwise mistreats or neglects any animal, or causes or procures it to be done, or, having the charge or custody of any animal, fails to provide it with proper food, drink, or protection from the weather consistent with the species, breed, and type of animal involved, or abandons an animal.

The horse owner in the above story, was charged with Animal Cruelty for horse abuse, it was found that his neglect of taking care of the horse’s hooves caused the horse’s death.  This is why he could be convicted of Animal Cruelty or Animal Abuse.

In Weld County What is the Sentence for Cruelty to Animals or Animal Abuse?

In Weld County, Cruelty to Animals is sentenced as a class 1 misdemeanor. A class 1 misdemeanor  includes a potential fine between $500 and $5,000 and 6 months to 18 months in the Weld County Jail. It is also important to note, anger management classes are sometimes imposed by a judge instead of jail time and generally it is also required that the offender forfeits the animal(s) involved in the case. On thing which many people don’t know is that thousands of dollars can be ordered as restitution against someone charged with Animal Abuse, if the animal is treated by a vet or housed in a shelter.

Examples of Cruelty to Animals in Greeley, Colorado?

As pet or livestock owners, people are mostly kind and would do anything for the animals in their lives.  However, in Greeley, Colorado, there are common examples of Cruelty to Animals that could land you with a criminal charge like the owner who was accused of horse abuse.

Examples of Animal Cruelty and Animal Abuse:

  • Leaving a pet guinea pig outside in the winter
  • Taking a pet dog into the forest and leaving it there to fend for itself
  • Starving a pet cat by withholding food and water
  • Beating a pig with a pipe
  • Bestiality with cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses
  • Forgetting to give water to your dog or leaving it in the direct sunlight
  • Not taking your pet to a vet when it is sick or injured

If you or someone you love has been charged with Cruelty to Animals, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule your free consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

Image by ykaiavu from Pixabay