Weld County Sexual Assault Lawyer
Younger Highschooler Girlfriend – Age of Consent?

Have you been accused of Sexual Assault with a Highschooler in Greeley or Weld County? Call the O'Malley Law Office immediately!

In Weld County, Sexual Assault is most commonly charged when someone forces penetration onto another person. However, there is one situation where someone can be charged for Sexual Assault, even if both partners gave consent. If you’re caught or accused of having sex with a highschooler, this could get you into some serious trouble. The older partner will even wind up with a misdemeanor charge and might even have to register as a Sex Offender too.

What is Sexual Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-402, in Greeley?

Greeley police operate under Colorado law’s definition of Sexual Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-402, which states that:

Any actor who knowingly inflicts sexual intrusion or sexual penetration on a victim commits sexual assault

How Can You Be Charged with Sexual Assault, in Boulder County, if there was Consent?

Anyone can be charged with Sexual Assault in Boulder County, even if there was consent. The situation is very particular though. If the “victim” is between 15 and 17 years old, and the accused is at least 10 years older than the “victim,” and they have consensual sex, the older party can still be charged for Sexual Assault. But, instead of a felony charge, like most Sexual Assault charges, it is a misdemeanor charge.

Let me give an example. A 17 year old highschool girl has had interest in her, 27 year old, family friend for some time. They have a lot in common, share similar opinions, and generally have fun together. One day they decide to start dating secretly and eventually they have sex, like many couples do. But her mother finds out and calls the cops. He gets arrested and charged with Sexual Assault. Even though the two were intimate with complete consent, the boyfriend still got arrested and charged. This is because the law does not recognize people 17 years old or younger, as being able to give full consent. But it is not punished as harshly because there was no force involved, and because the “child” was over 15.

What is the Sentence for a Misdemeanor Sexual Assault Case in Longmont and Dacono?

The sentence for a misdemeanor Sexual Assault case in Longmont and Dacono is a class 1 misdemeanor with an extraordinary risk sentence enhancer. In addition to that, it is possible that anyone convicted of Sexual Assault will also have to Register as a Sex Offender, forever. A class 1 misdemeanor with an extraordinary risk enhancer punishment is made up of a fine between $500 and $5,000, and Weld County Jail time between 6 months and 24 years.

Registering as a Sex Offender is not a light punishment. People in your community will be able to see where you live. Your employer and landlord will see that you have a misdemeanor for Sexual Assault, but that you have to register too. Cities or the court might place limitations on where you can live, or if you can even have contact with children, even your own children. For more information about Registering as a Sex Offender, you can read this page about it!

If you’ve been charged for Sexual Assault on a highschooler in Greeley or Weld County, it would be wise to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as you can.

Call 970-616-6009 or fill out the Get Help Now form to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced lawyers in the Greeley or Weld County area.

Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Karina on Unsplash