Weld Eluding Lawyer
Woman Charged with Eluding on a Low Power Scooter

A woman was charged with Eluding police after refusing to pull over when riding home on her low powered mobility scooter.

Trying to avoid getting pulled over after a police officer has turned on their lights is charged as Eluding or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer in Greeley and Weld County. A woman was recently ticketed for this traffic offense after refusing to stop her low powered mobility scooter for police. According to the report, the woman was driving her low powered scooter, which she said was prescribed by a doctor, and initially contacted by police for not wearing a helmet. After taking her ticket, she drove off again. Police attempted to pull her over, but she continued on until she reached her home. At that point the officers arrested her in her garage for Eluding. If you are thinking, “Is this for real?” I assure you it is. Click here to watch the body cam video of the arrest. I don’t know if it was just a slow day in the neighborhood or if the officers were just on some sort of power trip, but there is real crime happening out there. What a ridiculous waste of resources and time to arrest a disabled woman just trying to get home on her adaptive device.

Greeley Eluding a Police Officer Attorney: Definition of Scooter Eluding

The Weld, Morgan, and Logan County, Colorado law definition of Eluding or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer – C.R.S. 42-4-1413 – is:

Any operator of a motor vehicle who the officer has reasonable grounds to believe has violated a state law or municipal ordinance, who has received a visual or audible signal such as a red light or a siren from a police officer driving a marked vehicle showing the same to be an official police, sheriff, or Colorado state patrol car directing the operator to bring the operator’s vehicle to a stop, and who willfully increases his or her speed or extinguishes his or her lights in an attempt to elude such police officer, or willfully attempts in any other manner to elude the police officer, or does elude such police officer commits a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense.

Because the woman refused to stop for the officers, she was charged with this crime. In Colorado, if officers feel that you drive recklessly while attempting to elude them, you can be charged with Vehicular Elduing, which is a class 5 felony.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Eluding or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 today. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Hennie Stander on Unsplash