Facing a Reckless Driving Charge in Greeley, Colorado
Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses Reckless Driving

Facing a Reckless Driving charge in Greeley? Contact the experienced traffic and criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009.

Are you facing a Reckless Driving charge in Greeley, Colorado? Having a top criminal defense attorney to help you understand the traffic charges you face and fight for you, is your best defense. Our defense attorneys want to learn the details of your case and get you the best outcome. Below, we’ll discuss Reckless Driving charges and why it is important to have a skilled criminal defense attorney by your side. If you are facing Reckless Driving charges in Fort Collins or Larimer County, get help here.

Legal Definition of Reckless Driving, C.R.S. 42-4-1401, in Greeley and Johnstown,  Colorado

In Johnstown and Greeley, Colorado the definition of Reckless Driving, C.R.S. 42-4-1401, is:

A person who drives a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter in such a manner as to indicate either a wanton or a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. A person convicted of reckless driving of a bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle shall not be subject to the provisions of section 42-2-127.

In a Reckless Driving charge, it has to be shown that the driver willfully or wantonly disregarded the safety of others while operating any vehicle, including a bicycle or scooter in order to be convicted.

What Constitutes Reckless Driving or Careless Driving in Greeley and Johnstown, Colorado Court?

In Greeley and Johnstown, Colorado, Reckless Driving and Careless Driving are often used interchangeably by the public, however they are two very different traffic-criminal charges. Drivers who face a Reckless Driving charge face more severe penalties than a Careless Driver charge. The main difference between the two is that a Reckless Driver has a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of persons or property. Whereas someone who is convicted of Careless Driving, is careless and imprudent in how they are driving. You might say that the Careless driver is acting spacy or inattentive, while the Reckless driver knows the danger they present to others, but just doesn’t care.  The degree of risk to others would be a factor as well.  An example of Reckless Driving would be a person who is driving the wrong way on a one-way street, at a high rate of speed. This action is not only careless, but shows a disregard for the safety of other drivers driving the correct way down the street. Driving very fast such as 90 or 110mph, would constituted Reckless Driving by itself.  A Careless Driving example would be putting on your makeup while driving – taking your eyes off the road. While the action is inattentive and distracted driving, it is not a willful disregard for someone’s safety or property.

Is Reckless Driving a Felony or Misdemeanor in Weld County, Colorado if Convicted?

If it is your first offense and you are convicted of Reckless Driving, it is a Class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense, but Reckless driving is not a felony.  Penalties include a sentence of up to 90 days in the Weld County Jail, a fine of up to $300.00, and 8 points on your driving record. Subsequent Reckless Driving convictions have increased penalties of up to 6 months in jail, and up to $1,000 in fines.

It is also important to note that a Reckless Driving conviction will add 8 points to your license, which takes you very close to 12 points within a year, when your license would be suspended. To learn more about License Point Suspension, click here.

Why Hire an Experienced Greeley, Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney for a Reckless Driving Charge?

If you are facing a Reckless Driving Charge in Greeley, Eaton or Johnstown, Colorado hiring a top criminal defense attorney is vital. Our attorneys have over 30 years of experience and can often get Reckless Driving charges reduced to a Careless Driving, which would help you keep your license. Each case is different and we want to learn the details of your case and fight for you!

If the police pull you over, you might find yourself with a Reckless Driving charge. So, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the experienced traffic and criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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