Reckless Driving Charge Lawyer in Greeley, Colorado
Ten Porsche Drivers Pulled Over for Reckless Driving by Colorado State Patrol

If you find yourself with a Reckless Driving contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009.

If you are joy riding with your buddies, as 10 recent Porsche drivers in Denver found out, you could find yourself with a Reckless Driving charge and find yourself in need of a criminal defense lawyer. When the Colorado State Patrol pulled the drivers over, they were cited for going 40 mph over the speed limit. Speeding 25 mph over the speed limit can land you with a Reckless driving charge, as those friends found out rushing to your dinner destination might be more costly than just the meal. Read more about Reckless driving below.

Definition of Reckless Driving in Weld County C.R.S. 42-4-1401

In Weld County, Reckless Driving is defined at C.R.S. 42-4-1401, as:

A person who drives a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter in such a manner as to indicate either a wanton or a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.

It is also important to note, a Reckless Driving charge can happen if you improperly use a bicycle, electric bicycle, e-bike, or scooter – not just a motor vehicle.

In the story above, the drivers would have shown a willful disregard for the safety of others by driving so fast. Other examples of Reckless Driving would be if David, while driving, was playing a game of chicken and driving at another car head on, or if Lynne was driving twice the speed limit in a neighborhood where children were playing.  Under some circumstances, texting while driving could also be considered Reckless.

Sentence for Reckless Driving in Greeley, Colorado

Reckless Driving in Greeley, Colorado is a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense

A conviction for someone’s 1st Reckless Driving charge include these penalties:

  • 10 and 90 days in Weld County Jail
  • Up to $300 in fines.

Second and subsequent convictions for Reckless Driving carry more severe penalties:

While these penalties are not as severe as other criminal charges, they are serious.

What are Some Defenses for Reckless Driving in Weld County?

In Weld County, there are several defenses that can be used if you have been accused of Reckless Driving. Some defenses are:

  • You were not actually driving the vehicle
  • The driving was Careless and not Reckless Driving
  • What appeared to be your reckless conduct was actually a defensive maneuver due to the unsafe behavior of another driver – such as swerving to avoid an unexpected driver coming into your lane

The Difference between a Reckless Driving Charge and Careless Driving can be read about here.

In Greeley, Colorado, What is a “Wet Reckless Driving” Charge?

In Greeley, Colorado, Wet Reckless Driving is not an actual offense and not something that you can be charged with. However, “Wet Reckless” is a term that has been made up for a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWAI charge that has been pled down to the lesser Reckless Driving charge. This helps the driver avoid the more serious consequences with DMV related to losing their driving license.

If police in Greeley or Weld County pull you over and you might find yourself with a Reckless Driving charge, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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