Greeley Domestic Violence Trespassing Attorney
Trespassing Charges Can Easily Turn into Burglary Charges

Domestic Violence Trespassing can easily turn into Burglary charges in Greeley and Weld County.

Trespassing charges in Greeley, Erie, and Evans can easily turn into Burglary charges. This is because Trespassing is actually an element of Burglary. Trespassing is charged when you unlawfully remain or enter on someone else’s premises. Trespassing on someone’s land is a lesser Trespass charge than Trespassing in someone’s dwelling. Burglary takes it one step further. Burglary charges in Weld County apply when someone unlawfully enters someone else’s property or dwelling (Trespass) with the intent of committing another crime.

What is Domestic Violence Trespass / Trespassing  in Weld County?

By entering into the home of another without permission, you can be charged with First Degree Criminal Trespass (Trespassing) in Weld, Morgan or Logan County. This class 5 felony charge is significant, with the possibility of up to three years in the Colorado Department of Corrections. So, let’s say you refused to leave your girlfriend’s place because the two of you were arguing about something and you weren’t finished talking to her. If she calls the police, you could be facing 1st Degree Trespassing as an act of Domestic Violence.

Burglary Attorney Near Me in Greeley: When Trespassing Becomes Burglary

Then, taking the story one step further, when the Greeley Police arrive and interview your girlfriend, she claims you tried to take the phone out of her hand during your argument – charged as Obstruction of a Telephone Service as an Act of Domestic Violence. Now, you are facing 2nd Degree Burglary charges, a class 3 felony, because you were Trespassing and you committed another crime. This situation isn’t the usual scenario you picture when you hear the word Burglary, but we see these types of cases all the time.

If you are facing charges for Trespassing, Burglary, or any Domestic Violence crime, contact a the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 for a free consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash