A Little Hope from Some Lawmakers | Sealing Misdemeanor Criminal Records

Learn more about sealing misdemeanor records in Greeley and across Colorado.

A Thornton lawmaker said it best when he pleaded with his fellow lawmakers to “give people a second chance.” He was referring to House Bill 1263, a proposed law which would allow people with a single misdemeanor to seal their criminal record in places like Greeley, Windsor and Evans. This bill would allow people with a certain single misdemeanor conviction, who have had no other arrests or convictions on their record, to seal their record – giving people a clean slate.

Arguments for Allowing Misdemeanor Criminal Records to be Sealed in Greeley

Criminal records affect a person’s ability to get certain jobs, rent houses or apartments, or even get a loan. Proponents for the bill argued that people should be held accountable, but not punished for the rest of their lives for one mistake. Beyond the court ordered consequences, the system basically gives a life sentence for a crime that doesn’t deserve one. Any misdemeanor DUI, domestic violence, or sexual offenses would not be eligible under this bill. Misdemeanor offenses like Trespassing, Criminal Mischief, and Harassment would be sealable, as long as they are not related to a Domestic Violence incident.

Arguments Against Allowing Sealing Misdemeanor Criminal Records

Fighting against the bill were law enforcement agencies, along with victims and victim advocates. They argued that victims should be prioritized over offenders and allowing these records to be sealed would not be holding offenders accountable for their actions. One victim addressed the lawmakers and explained she felt that the offender should have thought about the ramifications of their actions before victimizing someone.

A Hopeful Situation for Residents of Weld County

One poor choice does not make you a bad person.

The hearing lasted 4 hours where people vigorously made their case for or against the House Bill. Ultimately, the vote was 7 to 4 against the proposed law. The 7 lawmakers who voted against it, felt it was a public safety issue, and the public has a right to know. While the outcome was not one we would have liked, it does give a little hope to see some lawmakers realize sometimes people just make one mistake. One poor choice does not make you a bad person, and it’s nice to know there are people in the government who recognize that and are working to change it. Hopefully, next time we hear about this bill it will be passed and good people will get the second chance they deserve.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in Weld, Morgan, or Logan County, you need a criminal defense attorney who understands the effects having a misdemeanor or felony on your record. Remember, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call the best Greeley criminal defense lawyers from the O’Malley Law Office at (970) 616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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