Jury Duty Scam: Weld County Beware

Learn about a jury duty scam in Weld County, Colorado.

The Weld County District Attorney’s Office is getting reports from residents about a jury duty scam. Apparently, people claiming to be law enforcement or county government officials are calling and demanding a monetary payment in order to make a warrant go away for failing to comply with a jury summons. Often, the caller gave instructions on how to put the money (usually $895) on a Green Dot MoneyPak Voucher and then call back with the information. These callers will offer a badge number and provide the names of current law enforcement officers and public officials to establish credibility. But don’t be fooled. If you ever missed jury duty in Weld, Logan or Morgan County, there would never be the option of paying to make a warrant for your arrest go away.

What Really Happens If I Miss Jury Duty in Weld County?

Initially, if you do not report for jury duty, Weld County will send you a warning letter instructing you to call the county and reschedule. If you do not respond within the allotted timeframe, a citation or warrant may be issued. A deputy might contact you about this citation, but will never ask you for money.

There can be penalties for not reporting for jury duty or responding to your warning letter.

There can be penalties for not reporting for jury duty or responding to your warning letter. If you fail to respond or report, the court may issue an arrest warrant order to bring you before a judge. If you cannot prove you had good cause for missing your scheduled jury duty, you may be fined up to $1,000, serve up to 3 days in Weld County Jail, or both. This will be decided in front of a judge, not over the phone.

But, What If I Can’t Make It?

If you cannot report for jury duty, you may request an excuse. This can be filed electronically or in writing. Remember, just because you request an excuse does not mean you will be granted one. Follow up to make sure you are excused, or there can still be ramifications for not appearing as requested.

If you or a loved one has been charged with any crime in Greeley, Evans, or Erie, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

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