Juvenile Crimes Defense Lawyer in Greeley, Colorado
What is Juvenile Adjudication at the Weld County Courts?

Juvenile crimes are handled differently from cases against adult defendants at the Weld County Courts in several different aspects.  This includes adjudication, the juvenile version of conviction.  When a juvenile is adjudicated of an offense, they are found guilty of the crime with which they were charged.  However, they will generally not be subject to the same penalties that an adult defendant would be for the same offense.  Even so, it is still imperative that you contact a top criminal defense lawyer to represent your child if they have been charged with a juvenile offense to ensure the best outcome possible.

Blog Navigation:

1. What is Juvenile Adjudication at the Weld County Courts?

2. When Can a Juvenile Record Be Expunged in Greeley?

3. Why Hire an Experienced Weld County Attorney for a Juvenile Crime?

1. What is Juvenile Adjudication at the Weld County Courts?

Juvenile defendants are adjudicated rather than convicted of crimes at the Weld County Courts.  This means that the Court has found them guilty of the offense that they were charged with.  Depending on the crime, the juvenile is likely to face less severe penalties than an adult would for the same offense.  For example, a juvenile act of Harassment is more likely to result in a diversion program, including a class on empathy.  For comparison, an adult convicted of Harassment could face time in the Weld County Jail and a fine.

2. When Can a Juvenile Record Be Expunged in Greeley?

One of the best aspects of juvenile adjudication in Greeley is that a juvenile’s record can be expunged quickly, relative to the speed at which an adult criminal record can be sealed.  Generally, a juvenile’s record will be expunged immediately upon successful completion of a diversion program.  However, a juvenile is usually eligible to have their record expunged if it was not already expunged by the Court. Other types of adjudications can also be expunged after a certain period of time.  Felony sexual offenses and certain juvenile offender designations are exempt from this, and the juvenile’s record may not be expunged in more serious cases.

3. Why Hire an Experienced Weld County Attorney for a Juvenile Crime?

If your child has been charged with a juvenile crime, a top Weld County criminal defense attorney is essential to your child’s case.  While the Weld County Courts usually prioritize rehabilitation, that does not mean that juvenile detention and other penalties are off the table.  By representing your child, we can ensure that if their case is not dismissed, that they get the best deal possible to protect their future.  We understand that everyone makes mistakes, especially teenagers, and we should have the opportunity to learn from them rather than be punished outright.  Give us a call today so that we can help you protect your child’s future.

Has your child been charged with a juvenile offense?  First, help your child to be smart, and exercise their right to remain silent.  Then call (970) 616-6009 to get in contact with a top Greeley criminal defense attorney from the O’Malley Law Office today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!