Top Weld County Lawyer for Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-201
What are the Penalties for Prostitution and Solicitation in Greeley?

Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-201, is charged in Greeley and throughout Weld County when a person performs or offers to engage in a sexual act in exchange for money or for an item of value.  It is a petty offense in Colorado, but can nonetheless carry consequences that are far-reaching.  If you have been accused of Prostitution or Solicitation, don’t wait to contact a top criminal defense lawyer today.

Blog Navigation:

1. Weld County Court Definition of Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-201

2. Penalties for Prostitution at the Weld County Courts

3. Why Hire a Top Greeley Criminal Defense Lawyer?

1. Weld County Court Definition of Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-201

The Weld County Court definition of Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-201, is as follows:

Any person who performs or offers or agrees to perform any act of sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or anal intercourse with any person not his spouse in exchange for money or other thing of value commits prostitution.

Similarly, Soliciting for Prostitution, C.R.S. 18-7-202, is charged for seeking out the services of a prostitute.

2. Penalties for Prostitution at the Weld County Courts

Prostitution is a petty offense at the Weld County Courts.  The maximum penalties for a defendant convicted of Prostitution include a $300 fine and 10 days in the Weld County Jail.  However, it may be charged alongside other offenses, such as Soliciting or Keeping a Place of Prostitution, and multiple counts of Prostitution may be charged.  In both cases, the fines and Weld County Jail time can increase exponentially.

Additionally, even petty offenses result in criminal records that make it difficult to apply for jobs.  For a sex worker who may be trying to leave their profession and find another line of work, these kinds of penalties can be unduly harsh.  For that reason, it is essential that you hire a top criminal defense lawyer if you have been accused of Prostitution.

3. Why Hire a Top Greeley Criminal Defense Lawyer?

If you have been charged with Prostitution in Greeley, now is the time to hire a top Greeley criminal defense lawyer.  The penalties that could result from a conviction of Prostitution may seem minimal now, but they can have lasting effects.  Representation by a compassionate and experienced attorney is the best way to protect yourself from the penalties that could result from conviction.  We can help you protect your future by fighting for the case to be dismissed, or by advocating for a plea bargain that helps you avoid time at the Weld County Jail.  Don’t wait to contact us – the sooner you do, the sooner we can help you protect your future.

Have you been charged with Prostitution?  First, exercise your right to remain silent, and do not talk to the Weld County Sheriff or Greeley Police.  Then get in contact with a top criminal defense lawyer from the O’Malley Law Office today at (970) 616-6009 to discuss your charges. Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

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