Murder and Homicide: The Zimmerman Trial and the Role of the Media

Read more about the Zimmerman trial and how the role of the media affect general opinion about the murder of Trayvon Martin.

The Zimmerman trial has captured the attention of America. When six jurors found George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges last week, uproar of disbelief and anger has risen. Throughout the trial, the media has repeatedly sought to manipulate public sentiment into believing that this was a case of race and not self-defense. Reporters who seek career advancement and higher ratings should be ashamed of their actions; they are an embarrassment to their profession.

Do Not Speak with the Police or Reporters

The six jurors for the trial were the closest to the case: They knew every aspect of the situation and weighed the evidence. Despite their careful deliberation and painful decision, the general belief is still that Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin and attacked him because of his race. Why this general consensus? The way we view the world is skewed by the way it is presented to us – reporters are not searching for the truth. They are people who want career advancement, higher ratings, and kudos from their colleagues for finding a better angle on a story. Creating something out of nothing (the jurors did not consider race in their deliberations) has been good for business for the media. If you are facing charges of Murder, Homicide, Sexual Assault or Burglary in Logan, Morgan or Weld County, you can learn from the Zimmerman trial: reporters are not interested in the truth. They are looking for juicy facts that will boost their careers.

Police and Media Motives

Always remember that the higher the profile of your case, the more reporters and police in Weld County will take interest. They will work to create more of a buzz about your situation. After all, no one is promoted over a boring DUI arrest in Greeley, Windsor and Fort Morgan. If the press can make the story more “human,” the better it is for their careers. We have seen cases of sexual assault on children, where the media releases a press release asking for other alleged victims to identify themselves. Their goal is not to promote community safety, or to help the victims. It is a shameful attempt to advance their careers. Be silent when speaking with the police and the media: They are not looking out for your well-being and do not believe in your innocence.

If you or a loved one is facing charges of Theft, Sexual Assault or Burglary and the media is involved, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call our experienced criminal defense lawyers at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.