The Zimmerman Trial: Self-Defense vs. Race in a Homicide Case

nationThe press for the George Zimmerman case has turned a self-defense case into a racial one.

The Zimmerman trial has dominated the media for the past few months. America has watched each development and breathlessly waited for a verdict. Outrage and disbelief has erupted following the jury’s not guilty verdict last week. Despite the facts that this case was about self-defense, our nation has been caught up by the belief that it is a racial one. How did this sentiment come to be popular belief? The media and civil rights groups have worked hard to manipulate the public into believing that Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin because of his race. They needed a racial scapegoat, and George Zimmerman fit that profile perfectly.

The Media and Government Ignored Self Defense

George Zimmerman’s lawyers are to be commended: they were able to overcome the overwhelming voice of the press and prosecution to present the facts and ultimately win the fight for justice. The media had much to gain by promoting the belief that this was a racial case – the more buzz and interest in a news story, the better for their careers. If you are facing a Murder or Homicide charge in Weld, Morgan or Logan County and the actions you took were for self-defense, it is important for you to understand that the media and the police are not on your side. They are not searching for the truth, but are looking for ways to advance their careers. Careers are not made from self-defense trials – but if it can be proven that you are a murderer hiding behind self-defense; the better it is for their professions.

Our Justice System: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Often in criminal cases, the media and the government are looking for scapegoats: They want someone to pay for the injustice in the world. While George Zimmerman did not make wise decisions on that night, it was proven that he acted in self-defense to a series of serious assaults. Creating hype and searching for someone on which to pin the racial profiling that occurs in the world is not right. The jurors stated that the “death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts, but in the end we did what the law required us to do.” (Read the article on The state could not prove that Zimmerman was guilty. All facts pointed to self-defense. We should be thankful that the jurors were not swayed to appease critics.

If you are facing charges of murder, homicide, or assault and acted in self-defense, it is important to understand that the media and the police are not on your side. Their goal is to further their careers, so they are not looking out for your best interest. Do not speak with them. Be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the criminal defense attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: – Kittisak