Potty Peeping | Probation Revocation in Weld County

Learn more about probation revocation in Weld County and across Colorado.

A Boulder man, originally sentenced to 10 years of probation, was resentenced to 6 years in prison for a violation. This man was caught hiding in the tank of a port-a-potty at a Boulder yoga festival. He had been watching women use the restroom, when one woman saw something moving in the tank and the feces covered man appeared and ran away. He was apprehended and sentenced to 10 years sex offender intensive supervised probation. He apparently violated his probation by refusing to take his medication and failing to comply with sex offender treatment. His original probation sentence was revoked and his sentence was converted to a 6 year prison sentence because of his violations.

Probation Revocation in Weld County

Probation is a common sentence people get for both misdemeanor and felony charges, like Theft, Domestic Violence offenses, or DUIs instead of jail or prison. While getting to remain in the community is a benefit of this type of sentence, there are many strict rules and regulations an offender must follow when on probation. This is especially true for sex offender supervision, which is the type of probation the man in the story above was sentenced to.

You may be able to get your probation reinstated.

If, during your probation sentence, the probation department files a complaint claiming you have not been compliant and following all the rules, your probation can be revoked in Greeley, Johnstown, and Windsor. This means you will go in front of a judge and the Weld County District Attorney and Probation Department must prove you have violated your probation. If the revocation is granted by the judge, a new sentence will be entered. When your probations is revoked, the original sentencing range opens back up to the court. Your sentence can be converted to Weld County Jail time or prison time served in the Department of Corrections, like the Potty Peeper. With an experienced criminal defense attorney, like the ones at the O’Malley Law Office, you may be able to get your probation reinstated.

If you are worried you violated your probation or that it may be revoked, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call the O’Malley Law Office, P.C., at 970-616-6009, to schedule a free consultation with a Weld, Logan and Morgan County criminal defense attorney. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net – sriharun