Protection and Restraining Order Violation in Weld County: Caused by a Puppy?

You can face charges of protection and restraining order violation in Weld county and across Colorado for seeing your dog.

The sun is shining, and you couldn’t be having a better day. Despite the troubles in the past few weeks, you feel lighthearted on this warm summer afternoon. What better way to cheer up than to take a walk in the park? Suddenly, you hear a familiar sound; the excited barking of a dog you know well. You turn, and see that your ex’s child is being pulled across the lawn by a happy dog that is loping quickly toward you.  In a matter of moments, your day is ruined. You are now in violation of your restraining / protection order.

How Could this Happen?

A protection and restraining order is issued in every criminal case in Colorado. If you have a restraining order against you in Weld County, there are many ways to violate it. We know all the obvious rules, such as not contacting the person who requested the order, and not going near their house. But, did you know there is another rule that is not quite as well known involving animals?

Let’s look closer at the Colorado Statute regarding the violation of protection and restraining orders in Weld, Morgan and Logan County. The law states that a person commits the crime of violation of a protection and restraining order (C.R.S. 18-6-803.5) if they:

  • Touch the protected person or their property, including an animal.
  • Come within a specified distance of the protected property, including an animal.

What is the Sentence for a Protection and Restraining Order Violation in Weld County?

The crime of  protection and restraining order violation in Weld County is a Class 2 misdemeanor. The sentence for a Class 2 misdemeanor is:

  • 3 – 12 months in a county jail
  • $250 – $1,000 fine

This law is ridiculous; a man could go to jail for accidentally seeing his dog at the park. Police time and resources should not be wasted on such ridiculous guidelines for restraining orders. Instead, we should be focused on protecting people from violent criminals, and not imposing rules that are impossible to abide by.

If a restraining order is issued against you in Weld County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact our experienced lawyers at 970-616-6009 or submit this form. Together, we will protect your future.

Related Link:

Learn more about Protection and Restraining Orders in Weld County

Image Credit: Pixabay – LaBruixa