What Do a Hamster and a Restraining Order in Greeley Have in Common?

Learn what hamsters and restraining orders have in common in our blog.

As criminal defense attorneys with years of experience in the criminal justice system in Weld, Morgan, and Logan County, and across Colorado, we understand how bizarre laws can be. Sometimes, however, a new application of the law catches us by surprise. For example, what do a hamster and a Restraining Order in Greeley have in common? Let’s learn how they’re connected.

Did You Have Contact with a Hamster? You Could Got to Jail

Did you know that the Colorado legislature includes animals in Protection / Restraining Order laws? Let’s look at Colorado Revised Statute 18-6-803.5, which discusses Restraining Order violations:

A person commits the crime of violation of a protection order if they (as the restrained person), “contacts, harasses, injures, intimidates, molests, threatens, or touches the protected person or protected property, including an animal, identified in the protection order.”

In other words, if you touch or talk to an animal belonging to the protected person in your restraining order, you violate the conditions of that order, and face mandatory arrest and possible jail time. It’s important to understand that you don’t have to hurt, or harm the hamster in any way – talking to or touching it is enough to send you to jail. Now, you might say that it’s highly unlikely you would run into your ex-girlfriend’s hamster and violate your restraining order. But, this law related to animals can cause you to violate your restraining order. Let’s look at a practical example:

Seeing the pet of the protected party can result in a violation.

A Walk in the Park Ends in Arrest

You’re walking in Riverside Park in Evans, Colorado. You had a fight with your girlfriend, and were subsequently charged with Disorderly Conduct Domestic Violence. The terms of your restraining order state that you can’t have any contact with your girlfriend or go near your home (where she lives). You’ve moved out, and are trying to get your life back together and work things out. While in the park, you hear a scuffle behind you, and see your girlfriend’s dog running toward you. You bought a puppy for your girlfriend early on in your relationship, and view the dog as your own. The dog is just happy to see you, and is dragging the dog walker behind it. You stop for a moment and pet your old friend, without realizing you have just violated the terms of your Restraining Order.

The Law is Unjust: Why You Need a Lawyer

Restraining Order restrictions can make your life miserable. This is why it’s important to work with a determined criminal defense attorney who will fight for your rights and freedom. We know how difficult it can be to navigate through the criminal justice system while dealing with a divorce, breakup, and the additional stress of a Restraining Order. We have a passion for helping our clients get the best possible outcome in their case and not be taken advantage of by a revengeful ex.

If you or a loved one is the restrained party in a Protection Order, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 970-616-6009. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: Pixabay – Unsplash