Don’t Get Charged with a Crime in Greeley this Memorial Day Weekend

If you face charges of a crime over Memorial Day Weekend, contact an attorney at the O'Malley Law Office.

Memorial Day weekend is upon us. We are all issuing a sigh of relief; a three day weekend is a breath of fresh air – a welcome respite from hard work. Whether you decide to have a barbecue, get your boat out on the lake, go for a hike, or hang out at the park, you need to be careful. Greeley, Evans, and Erie police are out in full-force. This is because so many people are out celebrating; there are many opportunities for a crime to be committed. Here are a few criminal offenses which are commonly charged after holidays in Weld, Morgan, and Logan County:

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Charges in Greeley:

If you are pulled over this weekend under suspicion of DUI, there are three things you need to know:

  1. Don’t Give the Police any Evidence: This one is obvious – why would you want to give the police evidence against you? But, when you roll down your window all the way during a traffic stop and chat with the officer about what you did that evening, you are allowing them a chance to gather evidence against you. They’ll be watching your eye movement, listening for slurred speech, and smelling your breath for traces of alcohol. Our advice? Roll the window down a couple of inches instead of all the way.
  2. Roadside Tests are Voluntary: If the police officer asks you to participate in roadside tests, respectfully say “no.” You are not required to take these tests (saying the alphabet backwards, walking a straight line, etc.). In fact, no one (drunk or sober) can pass them. The only reason you are asked to participate is to gather evidence to use against you in your DUI case. Just say “no” to voluntary roadside maneuvers.
  3. The Police Must Have Probable Cause: In order to pull you over in the first place, the police must have “reasonable suspicion” of criminal activity. Then, in order to arrest you for DUI, they must have “probable cause.” This means they must have enough evidence to warrant taking you to jail to administer the blood or breath test (these tests are mandatory). If you are arrested, comply with respect. Even if you are over the legal limit for driving, an experienced criminal defense attorney will be able to fight the charges against you if the officer didn’t have reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

Don’t give up if you have been charged with a DUI or DWAI. A knowledgeable attorney will have the skill to defend you in court. Your future is at stake, because a DUI conviction is never sealable. Contact us if you have been charged!

Disorderly Conduct Charges in Evans:

Disorderly Conduct is a “catch-all” crime. When the police don’t know what to do with someone, they charge them with this offense in Colorado. And, it’s easy to be charged. Let’s say you get cut off in traffic and flip off the driver behind you. Or, your pool party is loud (you have loud music playing and lots of games) and the neighbors are bothered, or you got into a fight with that neighbor about the noise. All these situations could result in accusations of Disorderly Conduct. If you are charged, you need to contact an experienced attorney who can fight this misdemeanor offense in court.

Trespassing Charges in Erie:

Let’s say you decide to go for a hike this Memorial Day weekend and wander off the path. Your bit of “exploring” could turn into Trespassing charges. This crime is charged whenever a person unlawfully enters remains upon the private property of another person. This crime is committed easily – just last year the Colorado Executive Director of Natural Resources wandered onto private property while hunting and was accused of Trespassing. Don’t cross fences or ignore boundary lines. But, if you do and are accused of Trespassing, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

If You are Accused of a Crime this Memorial Day Weekend, Contact a Lawyer

If you make a mistake or get caught up in a bad situation this Memorial Day weekend, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Even a misdemeanor conviction will have a negative effect on your life. A DUI conviction is never sealable, so don’t give up if you have been charged. Contact a skilled lawyer who possesses the knowledge to defend you in court.

If you or a loved one is charged with a crime in Greeley, Evans, or Erie after this Memorial Day weekend, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer at the O’Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: Pixabay – elljay