Probation at the Weld County Courts
Best Greeley, Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyers Discuss Pros and Cons of Probation

Probation is a sentencing alternative imposed on defendants convicted of their criminal charges at the Weld County Courts in lieu of or in addition to time at the Weld County Jail.  When this happens, you may either serve less time at the Weld County Jail or Colorado Department of Corrections / DOC, or you will avoid incarceration entirely.  You will instead be released back into the community for several months or years, during which you will be required to check in regularly with a Probation Officer.  You will also be required to fulfil other conditions, such as paying for and taking regular drug tests / UAs.  Below, our best Weld County criminal defense lawyers discuss the pros and cons of probation:

Blog Navigation:

1. What is Probation at the Weld County Courts?

2. What are the Benefits of Probation in Greeley?

3. What are the Drawbacks of Probation in Fort Lupton and Evans?

1. What is Probation at the Weld County Courts?

At the Weld County Courts, probation is a sentencing alternative given to some defendants who are convicted of a criminal offense.  When sentenced to probation, the defendant is released back into the community, but is under supervision the end of the probationary sentence.  Probation can last for several months or years, depending on the offense of which the defendant was convicted.  Alternatively, a defendant can be sentenced to a combination of probation and Weld County Jail time.

Throughout probation, the probationer – the term for a person serving a probationary sentence – must regularly check in with their Probation Officer / PO.  The PO ensures that the probationer is abiding by all the conditions of their sentence.  Some common conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Remaining law-abiding – not committing any new crimes.
  • Refraining from consuming alcohol, marijuana, or any controlled substances.
  • Attending substance abuse treatment, anger management classes, or any other treatment and education programs mandated by the Court.
  • Completing community service.
  • Paying restitution.

2. What are the Pros / Benefits of Probation in Greeley?

Probation can provide many benefits to those convicted of an offense in Greeley.  The most significant benefit is that probation allows you to live in relative freedom.  While on probation, you are free to get a job, enjoy time with your family and friends, and engage in personal hobbies.  These options are not afforded to those who are sentenced to the Weld County Jail or Colorado DOC.

Probation can also mean having a second chance.  Many of the requirements that come with probation, such as therapy and classes, can help people grow and learn from their mistakes.  In addition, the accountability that comes from supervision and drug testing can be the impetus for behavioral change.  However, these benefits don’t necessarily help everyone, and can sometimes be outweighed by the disadvantages that come with probation.

3. What are the Cons / Disadvantages of Probation in Fort Lupton and Evans?

While probation can greatly benefit many individuals in Fort Lupton and Evans, it can also come with several drawbacks.  One of the most significant is the cost.  Between the probation fee, cost of treatment, and restitution payments, serving a probationary sentence can be expensive.

Probation can also be a challenge for many other reasons.  The time that you serve probation may be longer overall than a Weld County Jail or Colorado DOC sentence.  During that time, you will have to spend a significant amount of time each week fulfilling the conditions of your probation.  Your PO will likely be strict and unforgiving when it comes to even minor mistakes.  Finally, probation demands sudden and drastic lifestyle shifts – such as refraining from alcohol – that can be almost impossible to accomplish.  It is essential that you anticipate these challenges prior to sentencing if your lawyer is helping you get probation.

Have you been charged with a crime and want to know if you could be sentenced to probation?  First, exercise your right to remain silent.  Talking to law enforcement could result in your incrimination at the Weld County Courts.  Then get in contact with a criminal lawyer with decades of experience at the O’Malley Law Office today at 970-616-6009 to discuss your case.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by Zachary Caraway